Dealing with unbearable grief

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As some of you may already know from a few of my previous posts, my mother was diagnosed with a neurodegenerative brain disease for which there is no treatment and no cure. That was earlier this year.

As of this past week, she has slipped into a coma and we are now being told that she has hours to days of life left.

There are no words to even describe the grief I am feeling right now. I thought I’d be stronger than this, but I’m not. I feel like I cannot even breathe. I love my mom so much and I don’t know what I’m going to do without her. She’s only 67 and I’m only 27. I never thought I’d have to lose my mom so early.

I’m not close with any family members, I don’t have any friends. I’m the main caretaker and I don’t really have anyone to lean on.

Please, any advice from maybe those who have been through a similar situation would be greatly appreciate it. If not, then please keep my mom in your prayers. And please pray that I can get through this. I can’t sleep. I don’t know if I can bear anymore grief. Help me God
I’m so sorry for what you’re going through. I’ll say a prayer that God is with you and your mom in the final days of her life.
I can’t imagine how you feel. I love my mom so much. I prayed a decade of the rosary for Jesus and Mary to strengthen you during this time and grant you endurance.
I don’t really have much in the way of advice. My mom died of cancer when I was 23. It was the first death in my family since I lost a grandparent when I was 10.

When my mom slipped into a coma, it was actually a bit of a relief as we knew she was no longer feeling pain. When she finally passed, it was almost a relief…it was finally over. The devastation, however, was enormous. I was pregnant with my daughter and knew mom wouldn’t see her here on earth. I cried so much and then cried even more.

But, time heals all wounds. It leaves scars in our heart and I remember the pain and sorrow very well…but, it’s no longer devastating. We had a lovely funeral. Family gathered. We said our goodbyes. Time took care of the rest. It’s not easy and it’s not quick. All I can say is to let the grief happen. There is no timetable you have to follow. Some days will be easier than others. You will eventually come out the other side.

My thoughts are with through this terrible time. ❤️❤️❤️
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Sorry for the pain and suffering that you are going through.I will keep you and your mother in my prayers. Peace be with you.
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Jesus, Mary and Joseph surround Gods loved child with the warmth of your holy family and help her bear the pain she is going through. 🙏 🙏 🙏
I have had a lot of people in my family die and I’m pretty much alone now too. About all I can tell you is to give your grief to Jesus, reach out to him and he will help you. I’ll pray for you. God bless.
Empathy, understanding, and - with apologies - grief is a Bstrd. I’m not going to make this about me, by telling you my experience(if you wan5 to contact me, though, please do) but I know how horrendously, unexpectedly awful it is. Nothing can prepare you for it. Sending you love, prayers, and hugs from Scotland. And as I said, if you want, please write: there’s plenty I can say but this is about you, not me(just to say I’m a 65 year old widow)
I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I will pray a rosary for you and your mother.
Grief is absolutely horrible and I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone. All I can say is be gentle with yourself and know that everyone grieves differently. Do things at your own pace and don’t let anyone tell you any differently.
Feel free to contact me if you’d like a chat 🙂 although the circumstances are different, I’m three months into the grief train and sometimes it helps to vent. Be kind to yourself.
I’m so sorry.

I lost my dad at 28. He was 64 and died suddenly of cardiac arrest.

I’m so very sorry.

Try to just take one day at a time.

People in your parish might be able to offer some assistance and support. There might also be bereavement group that you can join in the future.

We in the forum can keep you in our prayers.

Other than offering prayers for you and your mother and saying that you are welcome to PM me I would advise you to consider professional counselling/therapy. Of course I suspect you are with your mother and don’t want to leave her, but it may be something to consider after she passes.
Darkness must pass
A new day will dawn
And when the sun shines
It will shine all the clearer
God bless you all for your kindness. Reading everyone’s comments has been so incredibly comforting during this difficult time.

Just a few hours after I posted here, my mother went home to be with Our Lord. My heart is broken, but I am thankful that she is no longer suffering from that cruel disease. Please continue to pray for her soul.

Again, thank you all so much for your prayers. I first wrote about my mother’s condition in July of this year in the prayer intentions section. Nearly everyday I would sign in and see so many kind souls continuing the thread, and praying for her…a stranger that they didn’t even know. There are no words to describe how grateful I am for that. And I’m certain it is part of what has gotten us all through this battle. God bless you all.
As of this past week, she has slipped into a coma and we are now being told that she has hours to days of life left.
I Will include her in my Chaplet of Divine Mercy…
I have included her and all the dying in the chaplet. I will continue doing so until God calls her into life eternal.
I’m so sorry for your loss cjsm93. I lost my older brother in April 2019, and it has been really tough to get over it. You have the prayers of your friends here at CAF.

P.S. Turn to Mary for assistance. She knew full well the feeling of losing someone close to her.
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