Death certificates for all abortions

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HELENA - A new member of the Montana House is sponsoring a bill that would require death certificates to be filed for all abortions that occur in the state.
What a wonderful idea! Even the publicity these bills get is good, it re-emphazies the life side…

If it passes, knowing the foes to this bill, I imagine they will insist that there will be no names, but given numbers, to lessen the humanity of it all. (unknowingly, this will be akin to the numbers tatooed to the arms of Nazi concentration camp prisoners)

They know not what they do. Like, let these people seal their own fate.
Great idea. I never understood how someone could be charged with murder if they kill a fetus that the woman wants but if she doesn’t want it it can be killed legally.
I’ve long thought that this ought to be done. It just makes logical sense. I mean, if a child is stillborn, you have to issue a certificate. So why not if it is aborted? It would also enable better statistical information and regulation of the industry.
This would lead to a situation where we have a death certificate without a birth certificate. Interesting.

So, I suppose the proponents would have to institute a life certificate for every conception? Then issue a death certificate for miscarriages?

But could someone get a birth certificate without a prior life certificate?

I think there is a comforting bumper sticker somewhere in here.
What a grand idea! Maybe we should force the mother to have pay for a funeral, too, with an open casket displaying her dismembered fetus. And we should force her to look at it, and force her to cry and admit what a bad, bad person she is.
i hope you are sarchastic. i am as sad as anyone over abortion, but lets not rub the sin in the mother’s face. humilitation and ridicule does not make one repent or even belive in mercy.
i hope you are sarchastic. i am as sad as anyone over abortion, but lets not rub the sin in the mother’s face. humilitation and ridicule does not make one repent or even belive in mercy.
In this season of good cheer, let’s not forget those who hate both the sin and the sinner. They have feelings, too.
i hope you are sarchastic. i am as sad as anyone over abortion, but lets not rub the sin in the mother’s face. humilitation and ridicule does not make one repent or even belive in mercy.
Of course we want the mother to be converted. But, I will say this, abortion need to be shown on 20/20 or dateline to expose the lie. As long as people are being told the unborn baby is a blob of tissue the slaughter will continue. The light of truth will be what will take people out the dark lie. Father Frank Pavone is working on trying to get this done now. I know alot of people are offended by the graphic abortion images, I am too.Not nearly as bad as the little ones in the photographs.God Bless:crying:
sounds like just the kind of self-aggrandizing stunt we’ve grown to expect of our politicians–replete with wasted time, money, and opportunity, a new form to fill out and absolutely nothing done to advance the important underlying goal–reducing the number of abortions.
Island Oak:
sounds like just the kind of self-aggrandizing stunt we’ve grown to expect of our politicians–replete with wasted time, money, and opportunity, a new form to fill out and absolutely nothing done to advance the important underlying goal–reducing the number of abortions.
True, and yet, the pub from this MAY move some people to think.

We are just a 20/20 or Dateline segment away from turning hearts and minds on this thing.

I pray for that anyway…
Why didn’t any of us think of this before?

Maybe the time wasn’t right. To me, it just proves that if this bill passes, it will be a Gift from God. This could be the start of the end of the legalization of murder of the innocent. But we need to pray that this law DOES NOT become declared ‘unconstitutional’ :eek: .

Go with God!
Good idea, then they’ll have to call it what it really is >Murder 😦
This would be the time where bureaucracy is finally an advantage and all the mindless paperwork would work towards the greater good!

Can you imagine the complaints as the government offices have to handle to load of all those innocent dead children! Someone would complain about all the work. I want them to complain! I want it to be cried from the mountain tops that this is awful, there are too many pieces of paper. They couldn’t cry about the lives lost, let them complain about the pointless effort.

Just get them to notice, in any and every way possible, drive the message home.

But is this the same as saying the mom’s need to be required to hold funerals or look at the remains? I don’t think there are many here who would begin to have such lack of compassion. The sinner (and those who think our desire to stop this insanity makes us sinners) deserves our love. Perhaps if every unexpected pregnancy came with an understanding that we’d be there for them, regardless of the situation, there would be fewer women thinking this was a necessary option.

Please, this Christmas, remember a young mother raising a child alone. Do something to make her day, week, life easier. Help put a smile on the face of her child. Not another toy, even our poorest seem to have plenty of toys, but see if you can find a way to reach out and really help.

Island Oak:
sounds like just the kind of self-aggrandizing stunt we’ve grown to expect of our politicians–replete with wasted time, money, and opportunity, a new form to fill out and absolutely nothing done to advance the important underlying goal–reducing the number of abortions.
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