Death penalty by injection

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First let me say I am totally opposed to the death penalty. God is the ultimate judge of when we live or die. But lately I’ve been reading up about the injection method and it’s not at all a painless way to die. It’s an inhumane, cruel method. It causes intolerable agony to the person.

Please pray to God that they will do away with this procedure and soon. Also pray that God will have mercy on those scheduled for this type of execution that he can mitigate the severity of it in a miraculous way.:gopray:
This is the first I have heard of this. Do you know of any sources that you could cite, particularly from a medical perspective? Obviously anti-death penalty sources would not be unbiased.
First let me say I am totally opposed to the death penalty. God is the ultimate judge of when we live or die. But lately I’ve been reading up about the injection method and it’s not at all a painless way to die. It’s an inhumane, cruel method. It causes intolerable agony to the person.
I am very conflicted myself on the whole death penalty issue, but having been under anesthesia for surgery, I find it very difficult to believe that it causes any type of pain unless the drugs were specifically designed to do that.
Please pray to God that they will do away with this procedure and soon. Also pray that God will have mercy on those scheduled for this type of execution that he can mitigate the severity of it in a miraculous way.:gopray:
Methinks those who are sentenced to die this way are being treated infinitely better than Terri S, who has done nothing wrong.

Heavens where did you hear that lethal injection was painful? The person is apparently given a sedative and ironically they even swab the area with alcohol. An IV is introduced and apparently the lethal chemical is part of a solution that flows into the vein. Apparently some are even allowed to observe the process and I’ve never heard them when interviewed expressing that the executed person expressed any physical pain. Surely the emotional pain is excruciating but anyone who’s had an IV or even a shot would realize that it’s not a particularly painful procedure.

That being said, I certainly don’t agree with the death penalty but if it is law of the land, lethal injection seems to be a more humane way to perform this process than gas chamber, firing squad or hanging.

Death penalty should not be by injection. It should be by the electric chair and turn the juice up full blast and fry the dirty rotten animalistic insane murderers. I wish the state that I live in would bring back the death penalty and use the electric chair. I could easily throw the switch on the electric chair and fry the murderers.

First let me say I am totally opposed to the death penalty. God is the ultimate judge of when we live or die. But lately I’ve been reading up about the injection method and it’s not at all a painless way to die. It’s an inhumane, cruel method. It causes intolerable agony to the person.

Please pray to God that they will do away with this procedure and soon. Also pray that God will have mercy on those scheduled for this type of execution that he can mitigate the severity of it in a miraculous way.:gopray:
I thought the first of the 4 huge injections was sodium penathol which is an anisthetic used to put people to sleep for operations? Would that not make things painless? I know it worked for me.


The Bible sanctions the death penalty and so nobody should be against the death penalty if the Bible sanctions it. You should not feel any sympathy for the murderers because they do not deserve anybody’s sympathy because they showed no sympathy toward their victims when they committed homicide. Sympathy should only be for the victims families. They should start using the electric chair and turn the juice up full blast and fry the dirty rotten animalistic insane murderers because that is what the murderers deserve. They should start executing murderers every week day. If I could turn the switch on on the electric chair I would laugh and say fry you dirty rotten animalistic insane murderer.

John Yurich:
… They should start using the electric chair and turn the juice up full blast and fry the dirty rotten animalistic insane murderers because that is what the murderers deserve. They should start executing murderers every week day. If I could turn the switch on on the electric chair I would laugh and say fry you dirty rotten animalistic insane murderer.

Do you realize how much this attitude flies in the face of Catholic moral teaching? Your use of the Bible as “support” shows the wisdom of Christ in establishing an authoritative interpreter of the Bible.
Lisa N:
Heavens where did you hear that lethal injection was painful? The person is apparently given a sedative and ironically they even swab the area with alcohol. An IV is introduced and apparently the lethal chemical is part of a solution that flows into the vein. Apparently some are even allowed to observe the process and I’ve never heard them when interviewed expressing that the executed person expressed any physical pain. Surely the emotional pain is excruciating but anyone who’s had an IV or even a shot would realize that it’s not a particularly painful procedure.

That being said, I certainly don’t agree with the death penalty but if it is law of the land, lethal injection seems to be a more humane way to perform this process than gas chamber, firing squad or hanging.

This is what I remember from the movie Dead Man Walking (I think that’s where I remember this from anyway!):

There is an initial shot that relaxes all of the subject’s muscles. This makes it impossible for them to make any sort of expressions at all. From this point on they are incapable of expressing any pain that they might be experiencing. This is followed by another shot that shuts down the subject’s organs (or something) and this part is purported to be very painful.

I don’t know if this is correct!

The fact is that the Bible sanctions the death penalty. I interpret the Bible the way that I want to. The murderers do not deserve anybody’s sympathy because the murderers did not show any sympathy toward their victims.


The murderers do not deserve to be free of pain during their execution because they did not care how much pain their victims went through when they were killed. The murderers deserve as much pain as possible when they are executed.

John Yurich:

The murderers do not deserve to be free of pain during their execution because they did not care how much pain their victims went through when they were killed. The murderers deserve as much pain as possible when they are executed.

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth? Sounds like the old covenant to me. I can assure you that there is a big part of me that would want to see these monsters skinned alive. I can also assure you that it would be against the teachings of Christ to do so and it would be wrong. We need not be sadistic in response to sick people who need to die. Just kill them quickly and say ‘next’ with no emotion at all. Lets not stoop.

The first shot makes you completely out cold and not awake or able to experience anything. It’s like going to sleep… a nice way to go without pain.
have a look …

Darrel thank you for the link. That was very helpful. I think that it’s possible some of the involuntary movements as organs shut down might be interpreted as pain. If you have ever seen a creature die, it’s apparent that even after brain death has occurred, there are certain twitching movements or spasms. My best friend was in her mom’s hospital room as she died and was so upset by these movements that she couldn’t sleep for weeks. A mutual friend who is a physician explained to her that her mother did not feel any pain but that the body still in effect has ‘electrical’ impulses that are still causing certain involuntary movements as the person or animal dies.

Again, this doesn’t negate the reality that someone’s life has been taken but we do have a very strong law regarding ‘cruel and unusual’ punishment that would preclude some of our prior methods of capital punishment

Lisa N
John Yurich:
I interpret the Bible the way that I want to.
Ah, lovely, I’m so glad to have found the new Biblical Authority. So, you’re Catholic. I have a few quick questions: are condoms ok? Is abortion ok? I fail to see how you are Catholic but do not follow the church on such an issue. Do explain.


Yes the use of condoms by married men is acceptable. Abortion is not ok except in the rare instances of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother.

John Yurich:
I interpret the Bible the way that I want to.
So did Jim Jones.

Being that this is a Catholic website you are using, I felt it necessary to point toward correct teaching on the matter. I hope you realize the error of the “no sympathy” you believe in before you meet God. “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy” " Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors" , etc.

Even good Catholics who believe in the death penalty, must approach it with mercy and forgiveness.
So, you’re Catholic.
It is clear from his answers he is not Catholic. Also the idea of inflicting pain on death is a very anti-American sentiment. Not only does it fly in the face of Christianity, it also contradicts everything the Constitution stands for.

I notice his age is not posted in his profile and at the time of this posting he is up to 34 posts.
This is the first I have heard of this. Do you know of any sources that you could cite, particularly from a medical perspective? Obviously anti-death penalty sources would not be unbiased.
I don’t have any on hand but I’d suggest doing a search on this. There are many articles that describe in detail how these people die. It’s not apparent at first glance but many have died struggling terribly.

The good news is that I just read that the bishops are working hard to abolish the death penalty. This is an answer to my prayers.
Well, to look at the the he standard sequence of chemicals used in a typical lethal injection is:
  1. A large dose of sodium pentothal, a barbituate, is injected, resulting in rapid unconsciousness (typically within 1-3 min).
  2. Pancuronium bromide, a neuromuscular blocker (prevents nerve impulses from affecting muscles) is injected. This stops all muscle activity, including breathing, which is regulated by the nervous system. The heart, however, continues beating as long as there is still oxygen in the blood. The procedure could be stopped at this point, and the condemned would still eventually die of suffocation.
  3. Potassium chloride is injected, altering the balance of ion concentrations between the blood and the muscles, preventing contracted muscles from relaxing. Once the potassium chloride makes its way through the veins to the heart, it seizes up, and cardiac arrest results in seconds.
The argument about pain suffered by the condemned revolves around the last two drugs used. First, the argument is made that most states have banned pancuronium bromide from being used to euthanize animals. That’s only partly true, though, as such bans only prohibit the use of pancuronium bromide as the sole drug in the procedure, since it only causes paralysis and the animal would remain conscious while slowly suffocating. However, pancuronium bromide is also commonly used on surgery patients to prevent any involuntary movement which might interfere with the surgeon’s work. The difference is, patients are first anesthatized and kept unconscious with a sedative, and then placed on a respirator before the drug is administered. Likewise, the condemned is already unconscious when this paralyzing agent is given.

Potassium chloride, while it will instantly stop the heart, also causes intense pain if injected into a conscious individual, since it is a concentrated salt solution and burns the veins it travels through. There are accounts of people screaming in pain after accidentally injected with potassium chloride, but again, the condemned is already unconscious.

The argument against this procedure, however, is that sodium pentothal is a short-term anesthetic, and in clinical use, typically wears off in 7-10 minutes (all three injections are typically done in less than 5 minutes). The possibility is raised, then, that by the time the potassium chloride is injected, the condemned may have regained consciousness, but be unable to move or speak because of the pancuronium bromide. If this were the case, he would feel excruciating pain upon injection of the potassium chloride, and for another minute or so until lack of blood flow to the brain caused unconsciousness and then death.

However, there are two other things to keep in mind. The dose of sodium pentothal given is over ten times that which would be used in a clinical setting, so the condemned is unlikely to regain consciousness as soon as death penalty opponents would like you to belive. Furthermore, by the time the potassium chloride is injected, the pancuronium bromide has prevented the condemned from breathing for so long that even if the sodium pentothal wears off, lack of oxygen will prevent him from regaining consciousness. So, while simply injecting potassium chloride would cause an excruciating death, the other drugs ensure that the condemned cannot possibly be conscious at that point, and the most pain he can possibly feel will be that of the IV needles being inserted.
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