To be absolutely impartial is, frankly, impossible here as so much relies on perception of the individual.
For a person who is himself or herself fairly calm, obedient, and respectful of others, who has never personally experienced a Mass which is wildly illicit, and who has happy and deeply satisfying religious feelings and knowledge, hearing ‘tales’ of what sound like crazy tales of abuse, or ‘trolly’ tales of people CLAIMING abuse over things which aren’t, and claiming the Trad label —those people are going to start associating the word ‘trad’ or the concept of traditionalism as people who are hateful, ‘puffing up the TLM’, ‘putting down the OF” etc. We do get posts from these trolls here.
We also get posts (and this is especially true for people who were here back in 2004) which are extremely hateful and condescending to the EF/TLM and its members. Even the ‘neutral’ posts which state something like, “so you want to veil, well it is ok to do so IF you don’t stand out, because then you’re prideful, or if you do it for the right reason, but it can’t be because you feel called because calling is only for religious, and it can’t be for tradition because that is antiquarianism, and it can’t be for a sense of the sacred because that ‘was never the reason in the first’ place, so since you WILL stand out and you don’t HAVE to do it —don’t.” IOW, ‘you are free to do what a poster thinks is acceptable to THEM, but nothing else.”
But I’m going to put in that since so much is perception, maybe we’d all be better off if we stopped worrying so much about what others think, and go to God. If there is something traditional, whether it is a head covering, the EF, home altars, devotions, year round abstinence, etc., that you like and that is ‘in good standing’ (NONE of those are in any way forbidden or condemned, NOR do they require some CAF poster blessing or that one meet some CAF poster ‘guidelines for doing’), and you want to do it, do so. Don’t be swayed by others under the false perception that you are pleasing God more by ignoring what you have chosen to do for Him in order to please ‘somebody else’ so you don’t ‘hurt their feelings’ or ‘look haughty’.