“Augustine was not steadfast in his interpretation of Matthew 16:18. Above, Augustine equated the rock with Peter’s faith, Peter’s successors, and Peter himself. It was during his controversies with the Manicheans, Donatists, and Pelagians that he emphasized the role of Christ and identified “this rock” with Christ. In his dealings with the Manicheans, the nature of God was in the forefront; with the Donatist, it was the nature of the Church and clergy; with the Pelagians, it was the nature of grace and its originator, Jesus Christ. Augustine equated “this rock” with Christ not to downplay Peter’s primacy, rather to emphasize Jesus Christ. Against all these heresies, Augustine stressed that the Church’s foundation and grace rested upon a divine and not a human person. Nevertheless, Augustine remained steadfast in his understanding of Peter’s primacy and the primacy of the Roman See. Augustine did not reject the Petrine interpretation, in favor of which he cites Ambrose’s hymn, but leaves it to the reader to choose. Simon remains a rock, a secondary rock dependent on the Rock-Christ, for Augustine writes, 'Peter having been named after this
rock ’
Retractations 1:21).”
“I present a few passages from Augustine regarding Peter’s primacy among the Apostles. These texts alone clearly shows Peter’s primacy was not simply one of honor but included authority over the Apostles.
“Among these [apostles] it was
only Peter who almost everywhere was given privilege of representing the whole Church. It was in the
person of the whole Church, which he alone represented, that he was privileged to hear, ‘To you will I give the keys of the kingdom of heaven’ (Mt 16:19)… Quite rightly too did the Lord after his resurrection entrust his sheep to Peter to be fed. It’s not, you see, that he alone among the disciples was fit to feed the Lord’s sheep; but when Christ speaks to one man, unity is being commended to us. And he first speaks to Peter, because Peter is
first among the apostles.”
Sermon 295:2-4 (A.D. 410), in WOA3,8:197-199)
“So does the Church act in blessed hope through this troublous life; and this Church symbolized in its generality, was personified in the Apostle Peter, on account of the
primacy of his apostleship.”
On the Gospel of John, Tract 124:5 (A.D. 416), in NPNF1, VII:450)
“For as some things are said which seem peculiarly to apply to the Apostle Peter, and yet are not clear in their meaning, unless when referred to the Church, whom he is acknowledged to have figuratively represented, on account of the
primacy which he bore among the Disciples.”
On the Psalms,108[109]:1(A.D. 418),in NPNF1,VIII:536)”
As in Matt 16:18 Augustine asserts Christ as the foundation of foundations of the Church and subordinates Peter’s foundational role over the Apostles to Christ, we find Augustine’s understanding of John 21:17 similar. According to the bishop of Hippo, Christ is the pastor of pastors and subordinates Peter’s supreme pastorship over the Apostles to Christ,
“Christ was entrusting Peter with his lambs to feed, while he himself was feeding Peter.”
Sermon 146:1(A.D. 455-411) in WOA3,4:445)
In Peter’s pastoral mission, Augustine sees a personification of pastoral unity. “And every time in reply he affirmed his love, he entrusted him with the care of his flock. Every time, you see, that Peter said ‘I love you,’ the Lord Jesus said to him, ‘Feed my lambs, feed my sheep’ (Jn 21:15-17). The one man Peter represents the unity of all shepherds or pastors of the Church but of the good ones, who know how to feed Christ’s flock for Christ, not for themselves.”
Sermon 147:1(A.D. 412) in WOA3, 4:448)
to be continued…