Been contemplating and trying to discern this notion for awhile… I don’t think this is going to go down well, but I’m going to try giving it a shot…
The question is… when is a “thing” a “thing”? What gives something its essential being? Or, when is a thing not a thing, but then a something? And, if a potential entity is moving through a state of becoming to a state of actual being, then - if there are any universal abstract definitions and proofs - that’s kind of what I’m looking for…
Possible applications and arguments might include… being is nothingness, and how God created the world from nothing, potential being vs actual being… and so on…
Basically, I’m trying to identify a simple and appropriate definition of “thing-ness”… Only credibly referenced articles count. Or, if you cite your own thoughts, then please back it up with credible reasoning and proofs… Also, I’d like to know in a Catholic sense, if possible… But, secular arguments can be made… I only ask that you note the difference, if you posit a secular argument…
The question is… when is a “thing” a “thing”? What gives something its essential being? Or, when is a thing not a thing, but then a something? And, if a potential entity is moving through a state of becoming to a state of actual being, then - if there are any universal abstract definitions and proofs - that’s kind of what I’m looking for…
Possible applications and arguments might include… being is nothingness, and how God created the world from nothing, potential being vs actual being… and so on…
Basically, I’m trying to identify a simple and appropriate definition of “thing-ness”… Only credibly referenced articles count. Or, if you cite your own thoughts, then please back it up with credible reasoning and proofs… Also, I’d like to know in a Catholic sense, if possible… But, secular arguments can be made… I only ask that you note the difference, if you posit a secular argument…
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