Dem Georgia Senate candidate mocks need for self-defense inside churches

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I have no problem with Warnock thinking that about himself. I actually to a certain extent might even agree.

The problem I have is him (mis)using Government to FORCE that idea upon OTHER citizens.


Dem Georgia Senate candidate mocks need for self-defense inside churches​

Raphael Warnock also claims that supporting legal abortion is ‘consistent with my view as a Christian minister. And I will fight for it.’

Tue Dec 1, 2020

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Raphael WarnockYouTube screenshot

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)By Calvin Freiburger


December 1, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – Rev. Raphael Warnock, the Georgia Democrat running against Republican Kelly Loeffler in next month’s Senate runoff election, is under fire for a resurfaced video of a past sermon in which he mocked the idea of allowing Christians to carry guns into churches for self-defense.

In the 2014 remarks, Warnock took aim at the “bright idea” of legislation to increase the number of establishments in which Georgians would be allowed to carry concealed weapons, including churches.

“Have you ever been to a church meeting?” Warnock asked. “That’s the last place …” he trailed off and smiled as the audience laughed. “Whoever thought of that had never been to a church meeting!”

Bearing Arms notes that recent history demonstrates the rationale for such legislation. In 2017, a man walked into First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas and opened fire. Stephen Willeford, who was asleep in his home nearby, woke up to the sound of gunfire and used his AR-15 to stop the attacker from escaping. Two years later, a gunman who entered West Freeway Church of Christ, also in Texas, was stopped by armed security guard Jack Wilson.

The National Rifle Association (NRA) quickly responded with an ad contrasting Warnock’s remarks with the Wilson and Willeford cases. “Law-abiding Americans defending themselves is no laughing matter,” it said. . .

. . . The Georgia runoffs will decide which party controls the Senate for the next two years, and with it the ability of a Biden administration to enact longtime Democrat goals with far-reaching consequences like court-packing, elimination of the legislative filibuster, and granting statehood to Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia.
I have no problem with Warnock[…]
I don’t either. And I just received my absentee ballot yesterday.

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In the 2014 remarks, Warnock took aim at the “bright idea” of legislation to increase the number of establishments in which Georgians would be allowed to carry concealed weapons, including churches.
And bars, and the airport, some schools…
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