Democracy's Victory in Bolivia?

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VICTORY IN BOLIVIA Bolivia’s president has won! Just as one of our excellent Bolivian bloggers, MABB’s Miguel told us yesterday, Bolivia’s President Carlos Mesa has won! Congress this morning voted to reject his resignation. The People Power revolution has beaten Evo Morales and all his mob soundly. Pres. Mesa stays, and not only that, he’s now in a position of political strength! A weak state may now become a strong, effective one. Pres. Mesa, who’s a well-regarded, even-handed non-partisan political leader, may be just the one who can help Bolivia along in its national development. This is tremendous news! Bolivia has won!


A.M. Mora y Leon told of the socialist protests yesterday, but now we seeing the more democratic supporters of Mesa protesting for him.

State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said Washington ‘’remains firmly and fully committed’’ to Mesa and expects “that the current political crisis will be resolved in a peaceful and democratic manner consistent with the Bolivian constitution.’’

Mesa also drew support from hundreds of Bolivians who stood in front of the presidential palace and chanted, ‘’Blockades no, democracy yes!’’ and “Mesa, friend, the people are with you!’’

Hat Tip
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