Democrat Tries COVID-Shaming Republican Councilman Over Thanksgiving Plans, Then Tables Are Turned in Epic Fashion

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Democrat Tries COVID-Shaming Republican Councilman Over Tgiving Plans, Then Tables Are Turned in Epic Fashion​

By Sister Toldjah Nov 13, 2020

With some Democrat-run states . . . implementing draconian measures limiting indoor gatherings to 10 people or less here at the holidays, some Republicans are choosing to openly defy the autocratic governors who’ve put such “rules” in place.

One Republican who has made clear in no uncertain terms that his family will be getting together in a group of more than 10 for Thanksgiving is Republican New York City Councilman Joe Borelli.

After (King) Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) recently decreed that indoor gatherings of more than 10 people would not be allowed even in private residences, Borelli took to… Twitter…
I’ll be having more than 10 ppl at my house on Thanksgiving. My address is public record. Some family will come from (gasp!) New Jersey.

Kids will see their grandparents, cousins will play in the yard, sis in law will bring strawberry rhubarb pie, & a turkey will be overcooked.
Fellow New York City Councilman Brad Lander (D) also stepped forward in an effort to COVID-shame his colleague, snidely insinuating that by noting he was going to be gathering his extended family together for the holiday that Borelli was trying to kill people or something . . .
. . . But public leadership that gleefully ignores public health evidence & models behavior that will get people killed?

Not how we’ll be giving thanks this year.
A day before that, Lander discouraged indoor gatherings

But two days after Lander tried to portray Borelli as a grandma killer, Borelli struck back in epic fashion, pointing out that apparently, the COVID rules Democrats like Lander demand everyone else follow apparently didn’t apply to him:
So right after oft-bloviating Comptroller candidate @bradlander criticized me for hosting my own family for Thanksgiving, & 48hrs after lecturing us all that “now is not the time you guys!” He appears at an indoor event last night w more than 10 people where some aren’t masked
Borelli also wrote an op/ed . . .
…Let me be clear about this: Government should have no role in determining how many family members you may lawfully have in your own home. Not even in the midst of a deadly pandemic. Suggestions, recommendations or guidelines are all fine, but our governor’s and mayor’s new regulation requiring 10 or fewer people in a private residence crosses a line. My family, my house, and, so long as we obey fire and zoning codes, my rules…
. . . who is also fed up to HERE with Gov. Cuomo’s dictatorial mandates and coronavirus double standards, sarcastically pointed out to Borelli the reason why it was “okay” for Lander to do an end-run around the “rules” but not him and his family:
His events are important because they involve Democrats and the ruling class matters. Your family does not. . .
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The politician has a point. It has been a bit odd at times, with politicians making declarations that people should not gather for the holidays or other events. Yet when it comes to large protests, all to often destructive events, and even sometimes for themselves being at gatherings, these are considered OK.
Republicans are proving the science about events and covid spread. Just look at how many get infected from Trump/White House events.

My family usually meets in the Atlanta area for Christmas every year. We aren’t doing it this year. My (local) daughter and her husband might not even come over for Thanksgiving.

Maybe some people are overreacting, but others are seriously underrating.
PaulinVA . . .
Republicans are proving the science about events and covid spread.
I think you missed the whole point of the article.
I live in Canada and we are still paying for our thanksgiving weekend - we had 20 cases a day after Thanksgiving it jumped to 500 people a day , people are dying , nursing homes were exposed in one 7 died because of family visits , the hospitals are filling and the ICUs are almost full. So enjoy your Thanksgiving.
Meanwhile in CA, Governor Newsom was caught red handed attending a friend’s birthday party that was in gross violation of his own guidelines that he had issued some weeks ago.

First he denied and then finally he 'fessed up and said maybe I shouldn’t have done that.

Ya think?

Wow … just … wow

Look at that “do as I say, not as I do” mentality so common among Democrat leadership.

Maybe it is they all know it’s bull fertilizer but they momentarily forget that and have a brain fart when the public’s eyes can see them.

How about that star turn by Chicago’s mayor showing her lack of social distancing the very day before issuing new “don’t celebrate Thanksgiving” order?

This is just so in our faces that we have to say “what the heck are they thinking?”
I’ll be including Canada in my prayers, especially the elderly in those homes.
BT3241 . . . .
I live in Canada and we are still paying for our thanksgiving weekend - we had 20 cases a day after Thanksgiving it jumped to 500 people a day , people are dying , nursing homes were exposed in one 7 died because of family visits , the hospitals are filling and the ICUs are almost full. So enjoy your Thanksgiving.
I live in America and we are still paying for our forced loneliness upon our elderly. - we’ve had thousands of Corona virus cases despite strict isolation measures. (Except in New York, New Jersey, and Michigan where Democrats placed sick Corona virus patients INTO nursing homes while excluding healthy family members, resulting in thousands of deaths among the elderly NOT having isolation from known sick people).

So we have marginalized our elderly, they have no friends visiting, they have no family visiting (except sometimes the elderly are allowed to longingly look out a window at their loved ones), and no soul-saving Sacraments for some because the priests are locked out too.

Many elderly have likely died of loneliness and a broken heart.

So enjoy your freedom for your elderly, but please do not go and see them when you are sick.
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Nobody said not to visit but the proper precautions have to be taken A systemic people could be anyone.
there are several groups here doing phone calls to the elderly
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BY3241 . . .
proper precautions have to be taken
That’s exactly WHY I said . . .
but please do not go and see them when you are sick.

BY3241 . . .
A systemic people could be anyone.
Asymptomatic people emit such small amounts of virus it was debatable if they were even contagious for a long time.

We now know of course they are, but significantly less so than symptomatic individuals.

Naturally, nursing home STAFF can ALSO be asymptomatic. But we don’t leave our elderly unattended in the care realm because of THAT possibility either.

Just like we should not leave the elderly ALONE
in the family realm,
in the friend realm,
or most especially in the spiritual realm (priests and Sacraments).

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The neat thing about exposing Democrats like Lander, Lightfoot, Newsom, Pritzker, Pelosi, and Cuomo is that it proves they’re only using covid as a power grab.
It would be interesting to psychoanalyze these people to determine why they apparently enjoy destroying the lives of others.
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