I understand where you’re coming from here, and I can agree there is potential when using certain language, even if that language is accurate, to shut down discussion. From your perspective you think pro-choice is more accurate than pro-abortion because you would prefer no abortions, but I find your position illogical - why do you want there to be no abortions? That implies there is something wrong with abortion, which the “pro-choice” side in general does not concede. So why do you want to reduce abortions to zero?
And can you understand why a pro-life or anti-abortion person would find the phrase “pro-choice” unacceptable to them to use on conscience grounds, considering that, from their perspective, the “choice” is the murder of a human being, and the phrase itself is the invention of those who want to make that form of murder palatable?
So long as we understand where one another is coming from, dialogue will be more fruitful.