If you don’t understand my position then how could we have a productive talk? Notwithstanding that if someone is determined to use emotive terms such as ‘pro abortion’, then I personally see no point in engaging with them.
And you might know that the number of abortions is drastically reduced by a means used by nearly all women. Being contraception. Which, looking at all the threads about that (virtually none) versus those about abortion (one current at any given time - so they’re effectively constant), seems to be somewhat less of a concern.
And you do know that if you managed to get contraception banned then the abortion rate would skyrocket. Yet the opposite tack - increasing the efficacy of contraception use to reduce abortions is a non starter. You’re between a rock and a hard place.
I’m not sure why you should consider the term pro-abortion an emotive term. It’s commonly used in reasoned discussion of the issue and, in the U.S. is utilized by liberal newsmedia including National Public Radio and the New York Times. Of course you are not obligated to engage in any conversation; abstinence is always an option.
Many contraceptives function as abortaficients, a fact which is not known be everyone who engages in that discussion.
I’m not sure how you could prove that banning abortion would cause the abortion rate to skyrocket; I think you might need a controlled experiment in order to support that hypothesis. Pregnant women have options other than abortion, including raising their children and putting them up for adoption.
Banning abortion also might encourage men and women to ponder the joys of parenthood and to think about the beauty of procreation in its unitive and generative aspects.
Banning abortion might also lead to a drop in pregnancy rates as more men and women choose to delay procreation. Given the current use of contraceptives which have abortificient functions, I’m not sure how we might determine the actual pregnancy rates though, an interesting topic for future consideration.
I think one thing we could safely argue is that banning abortion would likely save the lives of some babies. We could even argue that banning some forms of contraception, which have abortificient qualities, could save the lives of some babies.
And I imagine we could agree, if you chose to engage, that saving the lives of babies is good.