Democrats Pack Streets Celebrating Biden. Janice Dean Blisters Authorities For Hypocrisy Over COVID

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Democrats Pack Streets Celebrating Biden. Janice Dean Blisters Authorities For Hypocrisy Over COVID.​

“We’ll remember this.”

By Hank Berrien

Nov 8, 2020

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Noam Galai/WireImage via Getty Images

Following legacy media announcements proclaiming Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden the winner of the 2020 election, thousands of people packed the streets of cities around the country to celebrate.

… Fox News meteorologist Janice Dean, whose husband tragically lost both his parents to COVID-19 while they were residents of assisted living facilities or nursing homes in New York, fired off a powerful Twitter thread denouncing authorities for prohibiting families from being together during holidays or while their relatives were dying, but permitting huge gatherings of people celebrate Biden’s results.

Dean began the thread tweeting, “The pictures of all the crowds. The hundreds of thousands of people packed in the streets without distance while so many of us couldn’t have funerals or gatherings. Many still can’t see their loved ones because of restrictions. Kids can’t go to school. Businesses closed.”

She warned, “We’ll remember this.”…

…Immigration lawyer Matthew Kolken replied, “My wife just lost her battle with cancer and we were limited to just 30 attendees at her service.”…

. . . Dean continued, “Restrictions for some. Restrictions for none. Depends on what you’re supporting.”…

. . . She pointed out the draconian restrictions on private gatherings: “So many families have been told they can’t gather for Thanksgiving. I haven’t seen my own mom in over a year. The hypocrisy of what’s allowed and what isn’t is mind blowing. Media and liberal leaders, you screamed at Trump gatherings, but are so quiet for what’s happening now.” . . .

. . . “New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo will be increasing the National Guard presence at airports in his state, after refusing to do so during a summer of rioting and looting that is estimated to have cost New York City tens of millions. . . .

. . . keeps hiding the total number of senior deaths in New York and why it’s ok for hundreds of thousands of people to gather to celebrate but the national guard is out to stop people from seeing their families on thanksgiving?” . . .

. . . After The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh tweeted a picture of thousands of people celebrating Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s results in the presidential election, captioning it, “Your kids had to go to school on their computers for a year and your grandfather had to die alone and your neighborhood bar had to go bankrupt because of covid but this is perfectly okay,” . . . “We won’t forget.” . . .


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#Factsfirst: Jake Tapper, CNN’s coronavirus double standard on Trump and Biden rallies exposed​

Tapper slammed Trump rallies as ‘reckless,’ but was concerned about being a ‘scold’ as Biden supporters hit the streets​

By Brian Flood | Fox News

The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has resulted in over 230,000 deaths in the United States and rightfully dominated much of the news cycle for several months with CNN often using it to bash conservatives and Trump supporters alike – but critics think the so-called “#FactsFirst” network takes a different approach when liberals gather in large groups. . . .

. . . CNN was long accused of “terrifying people” with round-the-clock coverage of the pandemic, complete with snarky chyrons blaming the virus on President Trump, anchors shaming anyone caught without a mask and pundits masquerading as scientists and doctors offering hot takes on COVID-19.

But CNN’s concerns about the coronavirus pandemic appeared to have been somewhat mitigated by Democratic nominee Joe Biden being projected as the winner of the 2020 presidential election.

On Saturday morning liberals flocked to the streets in celebration that the race was called for Biden and the network that frequently labeled Trump rallies and White House ceremonies as “super spreader” events was suddenly less concerned with massive events amid the pandemic.

CNN left-wing anchor Jake Tapper appeared reluctant to come off as a nuisance to Biden supporters who were celebrating in the streets on Saturday.

“We’re also seeing people wearing masks… mostly wearing masks, they’re not socially distancing. I hate to be a scold here but we just had the highest day of infections in the United States,” Tapper told viewers. “It’s good to see people wearing masks, for some of them, they’re slipping off their face, people also need to socially distance themselves . . .


From Matt Walsh . . .
Your kids had to go to school on their computers for a year and your grandfather had to die alone and your neighborhood bar had to go bankrupt because of covid but this is perfectly okay


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Published 3 hours ago

Fauci said Trump ‘asking for trouble’ with potential super spreader rallies – but silent on Biden celebrations​

Fauci has been quiet on the celebrations taking place across the country this weekend in response to Biden’s win.​

By Bradford Betz | Fox News

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top disease expert, warned last month that President Trump was “asking for trouble” by holding large rallies amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, but has so far been silent on celebrations being held nationwide over President-elect Joe Biden’s projected win.

Fauci, 79, made the comments during an Oct. 12 interview on CNN to discuss Trump’s decision to hold campaign rallies despite having recovered from COVID-19.

“We know that that is asking for trouble when you do that,” Fauci told host Jake Tapper. “We’ve that when you have situations of congregate settings where there are a lot of people without masks, the data speak for themselves.”

Fauci said the nation’s failure to “get things under control” before heading into fall and winter was “a recipe for disaster.” . . .

. . . But Fauci, and other health experts, have been quiet on the celebrations taking place across the country this weekend in response to Biden’s win. Fox News has made multiple attempts to contact Dr. Fauci, as well as members of the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), seeking comment.

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Supporters of President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris celebrate election results in Atlanta on Saturday. (Atlanta Journal-Constitution via AP)

After Biden’s win was announced on Saturday, multiple video clips emerged online showing thousands of people packed should-to-shoulder in major cities across the country. While some could be seen wearing face masks, countless attendees appeared to be violating social distancing rules. . . .

. . . Neither Biden nor his campaign team has addressed concerns that some of these celebrations could contribute to the spread of the coronavirus.

Interestingly enough, CNN’s Tapper on Saturday acknowledged the risk of the coronavirus spreading at these celebrations for Biden’s win. . . .



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If you are a conservative, in the eyes of the media you are never right.

You can’t call it hypocrisy. The whole point of liberalism is that principles are subject to change.
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When the beds are full, the halls are lined with gurneys used as beds, and the refrigerated trucks are brought in here in a couple of weeks they will get the picture.
CradleRC58 . . .
When the beds are full, the halls are lined with gurneys used as beds, and the refrigerated trucks are brought in here in a couple of weeks they will get the picture.
If this even happens it will be chalked up as Trump’s fault. And Trump-supporters.

One nice thing about all this demonization of Trump and Trump supporters, is we have finally heard the last of “It’s Bush’s fault” from the national leftists.

But maybe they will resuscitate that excuse too.
How small. Some folks won’t even let Democrats take a victory lap without saying ‘you’re too loud!!!’.

We’ve had 4 years of Trump fixated on not being Obama and trumpeting any act as ‘the greatest ever’. It surely is time for a break.

Can opponents of the new administration be gracious in defeat? I would hope so but I doubt it.
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Apparently nobody actually watched any video of these celebrations, or they would have seen masks and masks and masks and masks.
Unlike at super-spreader events held regularly by one of the candidates.
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