Democrats versus Republicans - the great divide on life

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The American republic is far more influenced by Catholic Social Teaching that any of the protestant founders would have liked to have admitted.

Tim Gordon does an AWESOME job of discussing this and pointing it out. It’s striking how Catholic the Declaration of Independence and Constitution really are.
The same can be said for much of the Enlightenment. This idea that there’s this monolithic Enlightenment that stands in opposition to Catholic teaching is fallacious. The Enlightenment was a very mixed bag, with totalitarianism, conservatism, liberalism, and libertarianism all having it out.
Was all of it in opposition to the Church. No. But was a lot of it opposed (esp the parts from outside of Italy) - yes.
True. However, the American Republic is founded before the movement towards Republics around the world became the vogue.
This is like saying that Luther wasn’t Protestant because he posted his theses before Protestantism became vogue. America started the trend.
And our Republic is equally (if not more so) influenced by the Romans, the Greeks, Thomas Aquinas, Augustine, etc rather than the Enlightenment.
It is, like the Enlightenment, a grab-bag. Smith’s and Locke’s ideas figure prominently in the underpinnings of the American vision of government, and in conservatism.
But was a lot of it opposed (esp the parts from outside of Italy) - yes.
Really, if we could just go back in time and somehow eliminate the French and German Enlightenments, we might avoid all sorts of unpleasantness. The English did yeomen’s work in that time stretch.
With the exception of abortion, there is no other issue I agree with Republicans about.
Paul Ryan did all he could to try to destroy social security and medicare.
He and his bunch tried to undo the Affordable Care Act, but had nothing to replace it with. Thank God, the late Senator John McCain voted no.
Republicans are against a raise in the minimum wage.
These are just a few issues.
That’s because Republican would rather see these issues dealt with on the State or local level. Republicans do not believe the Federal govt is capable of addressing all of these issues nationwide. America is too diverse. There is no blanket approach to social issues what will work for every state.

Urban areas need urban solutions. Rural areas need rural solutions.

I would much rather have my elected officials in Harrisburg, PA making these decisions for me than having people who live thousands of miles away vote on things that affect me and the people in my neighborhood.

How many congressional members have visited all 50 states? Few. How many have toured all the counties in the United States? None.

State Representatives are far better at knowing what social programs will work in their own states and how to best implement them.
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Really, if we could just go back in time and somehow eliminate the French and German Enlightenments, we might avoid all sorts of unpleasantness. The English did yeomen’s work in that time stretch.
I’m missing your point with this one.
Really, if we could just go back in time and somehow eliminate the French and German Enlightenments, we might avoid all sorts of unpleasantness. The English did yeomen’s work in that time stretch.
I’m missing your point with this one.
The French and German Enlightenments were wacky totalitarian. The French Enlightenment, thanks in large part to the ideas of Rousseau, led to the world’s first totalitarian dictatorship. It was a philosophy of total integration of society and government, of the deliberate destruction of society to be rebuilt in the image of The State.

The German Enlightenment was based on similar ideas, which led to the development of Marxism.

Meanwhile, Locke’s up there in England writing about how people have inalienable rights and government is there to protect those rights. Burke is writing about respecting the wisdom of the people who came before us and that we shouldn’t simply throw out what they’ve given us whenever we have a shiny new idea. Adam Smith is up in Scotland laying out the fundamental principles of market economics. Not perfect by any means (Locke’s views on epistemology, for example, contradict Christian orthodoxy), but the English philosophers were generally doing work that increases man’s freedom and ability to flourish while the continental philosophers were producing the jackboots that would soon fall on Europe’s throat.
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Really, if we could just go back in time and somehow eliminate the French and German Enlightenments, we might avoid all sorts of unpleasantness. The English did yeomen’s work in that time stretch.
I’m missing your point with this one.
The French and German Enlightenments were wacky totalitarian. The French Enlightenment, thanks in large part to the ideas of Rousseau, led to the world’s first totalitarian dictatorship. It was a philosophy of total integration of society and government, of the deliberate destruction of society to be rebuilt in the image of The State.

The German Enlightenment was based on similar ideas, which led to the development of Marxism.

Meanwhile, Locke’s up there in England writing about how people have inalienable rights and government is there to protect those rights. Burke is writing about respecting the wisdom of the people who came before us and that we shouldn’t simply throw out what they’ve given us whenever we have a shiny new idea. Adam Smith is up in Scotland laying out the fundamental principles of market economics. Not perfect by any means (Locke’s views on epistemology, for example, contradict Christian orthodoxy), but the English philosophers were generally doing work that increases man’s freedom and ability to flourish while the continental philosophers were producing the jackboots that would soon fall on Europe’s throat.

The irony is that the thinkers of protestant England were far more in line with ancient Catholic thought than those of “Catholic France” and the German states.

I think you would enjoy Patrick Coffin’s interview of Tim Gordon regarding this subject.

God Bless.
Notice that the democrats are interested in groups and not individuals.
I have to say I have observed this. In my dealings with self-proclaimed liberals I have been very hurt and discriminated against (including for my gender) “for the general good”. I’m talking about illegally terminating my employment for getting pregnant because “A woman’s place is at home with a baby, not the work place. We can’t afford to have a breeding woman on our payroll” The conservatives I’ve known and worked for may have been really rough around the edges…but when it came to my personal rights as a human being, they were ALWAYS and WITHOUT QUESTION respected.
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My wife was harassed viciously in her very liberal, nearly all female workplace when she became pregnant. Most if not all of the other career-track female middle-managers felt that she betrayed their feminist ethos.
Yes, this! When I was pregnant at my very liberal workplace, my co workers would ALL stop by to tell me that I should quit my job and be home with the baby. Women SHOULD be able to work, but they shouldn’t have kids. Women who want to have kids have no place in a work environment. ugh. Nevermind that this attitude, when it ultimately cost my job, almost landed me, my husband, and my new baby on the streets because some of us HAVE to work!
I’m talking about illegally terminating my employment for getting pregnant because “A woman’s place is at home with a baby, not the work place. We can’t afford to have a breeding woman on our payroll”
And you filed against them for these things I hope.
I would like to create my own new party so that I could re-arrange the “mix” of issues and put together my own manifesto. I mean most of us probably agree with some republican issues and other democratic issues and don’t fit firmly into the stereotypical boxes associated with either party.

It is just a pity that no one would vote for me - because I am sure I have the “right” stance on each issue.
I tried. Turns out private schools are good at crushing “insignificant” people…As a newly unemployed mom, I didn’t have the ability to get a legal battle against the school.
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In the US we have the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, a government agency who handles these complaints without charge 😦
Yes, but again, with private schools (especially religious ones) there are loopholes you have to hire lawyers to overcome.

The archdiocese I am in is one that was covering up sex abuse scandals. They had NO PROBLEM telling them ( the commission which I did contact) that the decision was made for “ministerial reasons” and using that loophole to close me out.

Trust me, I did all I could. Sadly, lone people without a whole lot of money or influence are very easily tossed aside. When I found the archdiocese was defending sex abuse of minors, I realized they wouldn’t bat an eye at pregnancy discrimination. Needless to say I won’t work for a Catholic School in this archdiocese ever again.
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Yes, but again, with private schools (especially religious ones) there are loopholes you have to hire lawyers to overcome.

The archdiocese I am in is one that was covering up sex abuse scandals. They had NO PROBLEM telling them ( the commission which I did contact) that the decision was made for “ministerial reasons” and using that loophole to close me out.

Trust me, I did all I could. Sadly, lone people without a whole lot of money or influence are very easily tossed aside. When I found the archdiocese was defending sex abuse of minors, I realized they wouldn’t bat an eye at pregnancy discrimination. Needless to say I won’t work for a Catholic School in this archdiocese ever again.
Wait… this was a Catholic school??? Please tell me this was not a diocesan / parochial school? Please tell me if it was Catholic, at least that it was a religious order school…?

You need to share your story. We need our Catholic schools free of this junk. You should write the Cardinal Newman Society and tell them your story - because this is HORRIFIC, esp for a Catholic school.

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Thanks for this. I wish I had an avenue to be heard…But yes…It was a catholic parochial school, not a religious order though. It was run by the parish. The archdiocese defended it. In order to get a good recommendation so I could move out to a public school I had to drop everything and write a letter to the archdiocese that I “accepted the decision of the school and voluntarily left my position”.

The school was a terrible place. A deacon was run out of the school and banned from coming on campus because he taught that we as Catholics can’t support gay marriage and spoke out about the evils of abortion. The entire staff openly supported gay marriage, contraception, and a few even supported abortion. I stood alone in opposition and it made me VERY unpopular because I refused to teach the kids anything other than church teaching on the issue.

ETA: I will likely contact them, but it may be a little while. There are a lot of things that happened besides this that caused problems. I’m still in therapy, to be honest. I lost a good 40 pounds from stress and lost the ability to breastfeed because they also demanded I not pump at work and they “couldn’t be expected to cover for me” so I could…I hate that. I missed out bigtime with my son. I did just find out I’m expecting number 2, though, so I am hoping this one goes better. The school I am at now is insanely supportive and loving.
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Holy Mary, pray for us!!!

This is horrific. You have our prayers. That school must be exposed for the lie that it is. However, if you signed a non-disclosure, please do not do anything that will get your into legal trouble. But if you didn’t sign anything, please contact the Cardinal Newman Society when you have the strength.

We Catholics need to hold these so called “Catholic schools” and so called “Catholic school teachers” accountable. Horrible.

May God Bless you
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Small government? The national debt went up during the time that Ronald Reagan, HW Bush, W Bush, and now Trump have been in office.
The idea that the GOP is for government is pure hogwash.
While I hate the govt going into debt, “small govt” doesn’t always mean less spending. It means less programs.

Again - Republicans prefer social programs & most domestic programs to be handled on the local/county/state level.
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Republican Catholic wrote in National Review today “To Hell with” the Holy Father. Where does that fit in your little scheme?
My “little scheme”? Seriously?

Where did I ever say that all Catholics who are Republican are actually faithful, practicing Catholics? I didn’t. Only 20% of Catholics in the US go to mass every Sunday. 80% of Catholics are not Democrats. So there are PLENTY of bad Catholics on both sides of the political aisle.

So your argument is a strawman.

God Bless.
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