Demonic Attacks While Becoming Catholic

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I’ve had a demon problem ever since I left the occult practices I used to do, and I’ve more or less had it go away after a certain period of time of staying faithful (granted as a Protestant) in my prayers, Bible reading, and church attendance.

After finally deciding to go all-in into Catholicism at God’s bidding in a dream where He specified which Church to attend, and a second dream confirming the first, I put up Icons on my wall, got a Catholic Catechism, Douay-Rheims Bible (to replace my KJV), and asking for intercession of the Saints, and invoking them to help (like St. Michael to protect me at night, venerating Mary as Theotokos, and thanking many of them every night for their faithfulness).

I finally went to Mass, getting a blessing as I’m not a confirmed Catholic, went home and took a nap. As I dozed off, I was pulled straight out of my body, my Icons were on the opposite wall I was pulled towards with mockeries of all the images and placed in irreverent ways. I finally started to come back to after crying to Jesus for help, and rebuking the demon in Jesus’s Name. I tried to get up and felt like I was, but I was just feeling like a was in a dream, and kept reaching up to sit up, but it kept not working until I finally woke up, the whole time still calling on Jesus’s Name.

Another night, I woke up and saw a black gooey looking demon come from out of the ground into my room. It looked like a really tall gray alien, but black with a bunch of eyes that was trying to make me fear him. I tried to turn on my lamp, but the darkness was stronger than the light and made it look like it was barely on. I rebuked the demon when I came to about what was going on in the Name of Jesus many times until I finally woke up.

All this has been going on continually after obeying God regarding what I should do with my life: I really don’t know what to do. I’m not really even a confirmed Catholic, and know no Catholics in person that could vouch that I’m legitimately not in need of medication: I know drugs would make things worse, I need to stay away from them as I’ve had drug problems in the past and want to keep the Pandora’s Box closed forever.

I feel like these demons are mad because I quit doing drugs, quit masturbating, and was actually dedicating my life to God, but the Protestants I know would not know what to do other than to tell me to pray to Jesus for deliverance, of which I do in practically every prayer.

I’m sorry I typed so much, as this has been very heavy on my heart and I feel like it’s a burden that no one would have sympathy for at least among my Baptist family. They would just bluntly tell me that it’s because the Catholic Church is of the Devil and the Saints and Angels are demons.

Please pray for me, and I pray that the blessing of God be upon you.
In Jesus,
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St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
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Do you have a traditional Latin mass parish close? The FSSP parishes usually have a blessing table once a month. I would obtain exorcised and blessed holy water and salt and use it liberally around your home (like a wall) and in all four corners. I would say the prayer to St Michael and angelic salutations and look up the traditional house blessing prayer. Start praying the Rosary in the evening and you will have peace. I will pray for you.

You might also contact the diocese in inquiry about the diocesan exorcist and whether it might be necessary for him to evaluate your situation in light of your past.
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I added a little more to my reply. I’d also add that you can drink the holy water and ingest the blessed salt. I’d recommend it.
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I do have a Minor Basilica that does Traditional Latin Mass. I thought about going, and will at your advice: the only reason I didn’t is that God hadn’t called me there as my home Church.

Thank you,
In Christ,
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You are so welcome. Sacramentals have been a great help to me. You can have any salt blessed by the way. Any salt that you will use.
Contact a priest today. Tell him everything you told us. Do what he says.
Praying for you.
Talk with a priest and take all the scare the demons try to push against you and dedicate it to God. Fear God not the devil. The devil always was just an angel, never higher. And thank you God for anything bad happening to you.
If the demons see that their attacks only lead you closer to God what else can they do but let you be?
Pray the rosary before bed. Even just a decade should do. I had slightly similar things happen to me but not quite as intense as yours. The rosary is a powerful tool against the enemy. I just remembered that sprinking some holy water in your room and home will work too. You can get some from church or you can order some online. God bless.

If you don’t have a rosary, you can just count the Hail Mary’s on your fingers. If you don’t know how to pray the rosary, here is a guide…

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If you are hallucinating I would recommend a mental health assessment as a first step.
If you are hallucinating I would recommend a mental health assessment as a first step.
Agreed. It’s possible that what you’re experiencing is genuinely supernatural, but it’s also possible it’s just a hallucination. Attack the problem from angles. Don’t just assume it’s definitely real.
The first and most important thing to remember is do not be afraid. God is all powerful. Satan and his demonic minions do not want you to become Catholic. They do not want you to draw closer to Christ and His Church. This basically is what is going on. You will encounter resistance from Satan and the demons all the while you are pursuing joining the Catholic Church. They are using scare tactics simply put. Put your whole confidence in Jesus and His most Blessed Mother. Do not be afraid is mentioned in the Bible 365 times.

Satan and the demons are on a very tight leash and can only do what God permits. When you are harassed call on Jesus, Mary, st Benedict, st Michael Archangel and your Guardian angel. This harassment by the evil one is just some of his tricks.

Stay strong. Satan is merely a creature. God is all powerful and fully in control. He is protecting you and will protect you. Keep focusing on your goal to become Catholic. Do not be intimidated by Satan. If Satan is showing opposition then you are clearly doing the right thing.

God bless you.
If you have music, movies, tv shows, books, art etc. or any media with any anti-Christ themes, get them out of your life NOW. Burn them, destroy them renounce them and as as stated above, tell your pastor what has been happening.
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Hello my dear brother in Christ ,
Have no fear for God is in full control and these demons are like barking dogs with no teeth. Changing forms and making sounds to scare but they have already been defeated by Jesus !

For 10 years i experienced similar experiences and always relied on the Lord’s prayer. Sometimes they would attack my brain and prevent me from praying by inducing pain but i prayed even more and they lost their hold on me. Be vigilant ! I will keep you in my prayers !
If anyone has already stated this I apologize.
When you dealt with the occult you opened the door for you know who. Besides everything else you need to have your home and possessions blessed. Any items that were used while while in your occult practices need to be destroyed. NOT THROWN AWAY- DESTROYED. Some one else might get them. This info is just what I have heard from Catholic Answers Live and different podcasts. Definitely see a priest and explain everything.
and rebuking the demon in Jesus’s Name
In doing this, you are talking to demons. We do not talk to demons. Even if we are using the name of Jesus. The prayer in the post by @GospelOfMatthew, which you have been using, is a better prayer. Also the Hail Mary.

Don’t believe me?

Check out Acts 19:13-20.

Also, Catholic Answers Live, December 17, 2018, Fr. Hugh Barbour is answering a question having to do with this. The question begins at 20:05. Just go to the main Catholic Answers site, and find the area that says, All, Topics, Radio, Encyclopedia, click on Radio and scroll to that date.
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Those in Acts 19:13-20 were ‘conjuring’ demons by the name of Jesus, as in invoking them to appear: they surely were not praying God’s authority over them to remove the evil spirits. To invoke Jesus’s Name is a prayer to God to help you, not trying to make conversation or entertain a demon.

Is that official dogma?
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