Dems Reveal Plan to Reduce Abortions

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*22-April-2005-- Catholic News Agency * REVEAL PLAN TO REDUCE ABORTIONS

Washington DC, Apr. 22, 2005 (CNA) - Democrats unveiled a policy proposal yesterday, which is intended to reduce the number of abortions in the United States. The proposal, called the “95-10 Initiative”, includes 15 different policy programs that, when fully funded and implemented, are expected to reduce abortions by 95 percent over 10 years. The policy proposal strongly promotes the adoption option. It provides for permanent adoption tax credits, counseling for women with unplanned pregnancies and pregnancy resource centers, where women can receive information about adoption as well as support to carry the baby to term.
I’d like to hear more, but from this little blurb it sounds good…cautiously optimistic…
Abortions shouldn’t be REDUCED they should be TERMINATED.
I have a plan to reduce abortions…it is called making it illegal and anyone caught having one illegally does life in prison without parole…no programs to fund…no outreach centers, etc…just plain ole outlaw it. It will reduce them by 99+% How does that sound democrats and republicans???

gilliam said:
*22-April-2005-- Catholic News Agency * REVEAL PLAN TO REDUCE ABORTIONS

Washington DC, Apr. 22, 2005 (CNA) - Democrats unveiled a policy proposal yesterday, which is intended to reduce the number of abortions in the United States. The proposal, called the “95-10 Initiative”, includes 15 different policy programs that, when fully funded and implemented, are expected to reduce abortions by 95 percent over 10 years. The policy proposal strongly promotes the adoption option. It provides for permanent adoption tax credits, counseling for women with unplanned pregnancies and pregnancy resource centers, where women can receive information about adoption as well as support to carry the baby to term.

Outlaw it? That’s rather extreme, no? What about people who have been raped? If it’s “just plain ole outlawed” like you say, they might resort to going to a back alley. Abortion used as birth control is wrong, but to completely outlaw it- a bit to far.
Abortions shouldn’t be REDUCED they should be TERMINATED.
But in the meantime a reduction is better than nothing. Sounds good to me, but I wonder if the meat of the plan isn’t a big welfare program the Democrats are proposing under the guise of reducing abortions.
Both political parties have an interest in keeping it legal and I don’t see the SCOTUS overturning the decision. I think that effort is spent on changing the law when it should be spent on changing hearts and providing support.
Small steps, small steps…

I dont really know if this is just a lip-service to the Catholics and Evangelicals that got Pres. Bush elected (yes, this time he was actually elected) or if they genuinely want to reduce abortion in our country.

I think that there ARE democrats out there who are “sitting in the fence” or even completely against abortion, but are very much afraid to say so (I’d be scared of Sen. Kennedy too).

But I think we kinda hafta to accept, at least in the concievable future, that Roe vs. Wade wont be overturned. But I think we should be supportive of any effort we can make to wittle away its foundation in the American psyche.

He WILL prevail, eventually, all we need to do is keep working at it and be patient. That, and eventually, non-Catholics use of birth control will limit their populations…😉
I, too, am cautiously optimistic. When Democratic legislators make proposals like this, we are making progress.

Could the party of death be coming back to life?:hmmm:
I have a plan to reduce abortions…it is called making it illegal and anyone caught having one illegally does life in prison without parole…no programs to fund…no outreach centers, etc…just plain ole outlaw it. It will reduce them by 99+% How does that sound democrats and republicans???
This reminds me of people who state they are pro-life, but glare at people in church with crying babies.

I fully agree that abortion should be illegal. But since this isn’t likely to happen in the near future, while working to make abortion illegal, we need to take every step possible to foster a culture of life. Its time to not only speak in terms of a negative prohibition, but put our money where our mouth is and provide these women and their children with the resources they need to escape the culture of death. If outreach centers and adoption funding reduces abortion, I don’t see how one could oppose them. Even if abortion were illegal in this country and punishable by the penalties advocated in the quote above, mercy and charity demands that we as a society reach out and help.
While they are to be applauded for taking steps to reduce abortion, they are attempting to have their cake and eat it to, when in fact they are going to have (still) more of their cake taken away from them. That is, they are doing this as a means of reaching out to orthodox Catholics and serious Evangelicals to bolster their voter base, while still keeping the Feminazis in their “Big Tent.”

They don’t get it. If they were to OUTLAW abortion, thousands of of the above Christians and Catholics would come flocking to the Donkey banner, while the Feminazis (never many to begin with) will bolt and form their own (deranged) party.

THIS way, I expect most Catholics and evangelicals for whom this means something will still recognize a pig in a poke when they see it, and persist in voting against the Democrats. Consequently, the Dems get no additional votes, while some of the more extreme Feminazis will bolt because the Donkeys are “watering down the message.”
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