Design Through Evolution

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Atheism can be either the rejection of theism,[1] or the position that deities do not exist.[2] In the broadest sense, it is the ABSENSE of belief in the existence of deities.[3]

Common usage… you dont get much more common than that.
In its modern form, Conscious-Atheism is a reaction to a set of claims to with objective reality. It is the willful denial that life has an objective purpose and meaning. It is willful denial of God for some reason. It is not simply an absence of belief, but a reaction to belief.
In its modern form, Conscious-Atheism is a reaction to a set of claims to with objective reality. It is the willful denial that life has an objective purpose and meaning. It is willful denial of God for some reason. It is not simply an absence of belief, but a reaction to belief.
Ok, thanks for telling me what i believe. I’m sorry to say your wrong though. My position and the position of every other “atheist” i have met on this board is it’s the absence of belief.

However i don’t really discribe myself as an atheist, much i like i don’t discribe myself as not a football fan, or not celitic fan, or not a rugby fan. Thats why on my profile where it says religion, the answer is none. Atheism is not a beleif system.
However i don’t really discribe myself as an atheist, much i like i don’t discribe myself as not a football fan, or not celitic fan, or not a rugby fan. Thats why on my profile where it says religion, the answer is none. Atheism is not a beleif system.

Are you trying to be a fence-sitter so that no one can rebut anything you say? That’s the appearance you give. Jesus said it better:

“You are either with me or against me.”

Atheism is not a beleif system.

It is the most obvious of belief systems.
Charlemagne, do you just read every third word or something?
I assumed you agreed with Dawkins’ opposing intelligent design. Do you or don’t you? But if you’d like to align yourself with a much better thinker, I’m all ears.
As it happens, I do agree. There’s a bit of a leap between this and assuming that I state Dawkins to be, in his age, a ‘better’ (whatever that means) thinker than, for instance, Einstein. PLEASE stop putting words in my mouth. If you can’t debate fairly, then don’t debate. But either way, stop misrepresenting what I say.
Now you’re just being petty because all these great thinkers disagree with you and you think they would agree with you if they were alive today and you could get their ear.
Petty? Why would I need to get petty? I’m just pointing out that these people didn’t JUST say the things you state they did. I’m also pointing out that in many cases, they didn’t have the benefit of scientific advancement that they have today - something that is pretty useful to a scientist, I would suggest. What’s petty about that?
You apparently belong to that rapidly expanding army of misguided souls who think that because a thought was held a hundred or two hundred years ago it cannot possibly still be true … especially if atheists say it is not true because they are deathly frightened by the prospect that it might be.
Not at all, there is much that was scientifically shown 200 years ago that till holds true today. I have no problem with that, although you clearly wish I did as your arguments are based purely on misrepresenting what I say and then attacking that straw man. Still, I haven’t seen you let the truth get in the way of a good snipe, so I don’t expect you to start now, despite my calling for fair play. I suspect the phrase is not in your vocabulary.
The question of improbability is between Chance and Design, not Chance and God.
God, design - there’s no evidence for either! Nor does specifying design instead of God remove the follow-up question - where did the designer come from?
The probability of design is something any atheist should be able to identify when he sees it, unless he is an atheist.
That, in a nutshell, demonstrates your ability to hold a rational thought.
And as to your belief that Einstein did not believe in God, you need to do a whole lot more reading. He did not believe in the Christian God, but he sure did believe in a designer God. You might begin with Max Jammer’s book, Einstein and Religion.
Why would I read what a third party has to say, when I can get it from the horse’s mouth:
*“The word god is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation no matter how subtle can (for me) change this.” - Albert Einstein to Eric Gutkind.*This seems pretty emphatic to me.
Above all, please stop making false statements when you aren’t even read up on the subject. Don’t make up the truth as you go along. For a man to declare that he is not an atheist, you can’t then argue that he is.
You’re one to talk about honesty, I don’t believe I have typed a single sentence which you have not twisted and warped into a position where you feel you can attack it. You’re dishonest, which is the worst attribute one can have in a debate.
I am quoting him again, not to irritate you, but to share with people who just now may be entering the thread. Yet it cannot be said often enough that Einstein could see design in the universe, even if you can’t. 👍
You claim to want to ‘share with people,’ yet you deliberately leave out the quotes of Einstein’s that do not support your view? In the context of your claim (that of sharing and enlightening the public to whom you are clearly playing), your are being dishonest, because not content with consistently misrepresenting me, you are also misrepresenting a man who you seem to have great admiration for. I do not understand your motives, but I strongly suspect that you are on this forum merely in a trolling capacity. For this reason I am not prepared to enter into any further debate with you.

Consider it a victory if that is how you measure your victories.
However i don’t really discribe myself as an atheist, much i like i don’t discribe myself as not a football fan, or not celitic fan, or not a rugby fan. Thats why on my profile where it says religion, the answer is none. Atheism is not a beleif system.

Are you trying to be a fence-sitter so that no one can rebut anything you say? That’s the appearance you give. Jesus said it better:

“You are either with me or against me.”

Atheism is not a beleif system.

It is the most obvious of belief systems.
No im telling my stance, and that i think if anyting that people should be group by what they believe, not by what they don’t accept.
It is well known that the “weak” argument for atheism is the preferred debating technique even though most atheists actually believe the “strong” argument.
It is well known that the “weak” argument for atheism is the preferred debating technique even though most atheists actually believe the “strong” argument.
But the point is that being an atheist does not automatically bracket them in the “strong” section. Understand?

You claim to want to ‘share with people,’ yet you deliberately leave out the quotes of Einstein’s that do not support your view?

I never said Einstein believed in a personal God. It is well know that he did not, and I could summon up much better quotes than you have to make the point.

However, it is down dishonest for you to claim that Einstein was not a deist. He was as contemptuous of atheism as he was of traditional religion. But he used the word God, and explained his use of it too often for you to claim that he did not believe in a reasoning power that governs the universe.

So I’ll suggest that you stop misrepresenting Einstein and face the facts and be truthful.

Please understand that in the history of the world very few men of great intellect have counted themselves atheists. This alone should give you pause to consider whether, if you really have the brains you think you have, you are in the right camp.

I do believe our conversation is over. Thank you. 👍
If you say so. :rolleyes:

And you really can’t admit that in a public debate now can you?
LOL ok, thanks for telling me what i believe. Do you always do that in a debate, debate not what the person actually believes, but what you want to think they believe???
You are a t least a “weak” atheist based on your posts.
Like i said i dont believe people should grouped by what they don’t believe.

For example i could call you an islam rejectionist, and while the discription would be accurate if serves no meaning full purpose, for it tells me nothing about what you do actually believe.
Like i said i dont believe people should grouped by what they don’t believe.

For example i could call you an islam rejectionist, and while the discription would be accurate if serves no meaning full purpose, for it tells me nothing about what you do actually believe.
Did that say none right from the beginning or did you recently change it?

So be it - we can refer to you as the “noner”.😉

Sure an Islamic rejectionist does not describe me well enough. So as we hone this down it is easier to affirm a positive statement like “I am Catholic”. Otherwise, I would have to be called an atheist rejectionsist, an Islamic rejectionist, a budhist rejectionsit, a protestant rejectionist, etc.

Likewise you fall into the atheist category, or maybe an agnostic.
Did that say none right from the beginning or did you recently change it?

So be it - we can refer to you as the “noner”.😉

Sure an Islamic rejectionist does not describe me well enough. So as we hone this down it is easier to affirm a positive statement like “I am Catholic”. Otherwise, I would have to be called an atheist rejectionsist, an Islamic rejectionist, a budhist rejectionsit, a protestant rejectionist, etc.

Likewise you fall into the atheist category, or maybe an agnostic.
Yep said none from day one :).

I guess i would fall into both, agnosticism dealing with knowledge and athiesm dealing with my lack of belief. I perfer none though 🙂
Physical reality cannot ultimately account for why there are such things as emotions or the laws of chemistry or the laws of physics for that matter. Evolution cannot explain why so many useful qualities emerge that evidently work toward the bennefit of “life” and move toward meaningful ends. Evolution can only describe the processes that led to the actuality of a particulor quality. However; one could argue that evolution also produces alot of waste, which is correct, but that is to be expected in a system designed to evolve naturally. This still doesn’t explain the many meaningful and positve qualities that we do percieve. In fact evolution only works because of the over abundence of positive, meaningfull, and life sustaining qualities that do emerge, such as defence mechanisms, immune systems ect.

If we want to honestly explain the laws of chemistry or physics (without which there is no evolution) as a whole, we must transcend physical reality altogether and postulate the neccesary existence of a “transcendent hirachical inteligent cause”.

Does anybody wish to argue against this?
I hope you do not love your atheism, because its is my mission to destroy it.
God exists. Like Evolution. Power by birth created all. Sunlight is the source of her Power. Her power comes from Birth. She created all living things by Birth. Love is the real power of the world. You have Love in souls. You have the power to create.

Laws of nature are not restrictions, but laws of nature. God is only one, from the beginning till the End. The End of her symoblized the End of us. She and us are one. She is mother and we are children. We are a family.

Decisions made by Both. Fates and Destinies.

All subject belongs to the School of Knowledge – The Pillar of Truth.

Love and Hope are the others.

Love is now, Hope is our future. Love and Hope represented by different religions. Conflicts turned into reailty by wars. Wars is the struggle of her heart. Peace come with your heart. Love in heart brings souls. Love in heart is not a Pillar.

Love itself is a Pillar. Hope will never be destroyed. We have Love, we need Hope. Love is dying, Hope will save.

When Love is dying, Hope may help. Beholder of the key must be neutral. Knowledge is always neutral. Truth is not always one to the world.

Christ is Love. We have Hope.

Like destiny and fate. Former by God. Latter by men. Hope from men. Love from God.

Truth is always here. Her beloved sons and daughters of intelligences. Era of Knowledge is Now.

Love in heart will bring you peace.

She loves us as children, never slaves.

Like Bible, read by time. With regards to History.
We are granted freedom.

Men are men. Apples are apples. Light is the only soure of Power from God.

Lives at different levels.

Designs are not necessary. Eveything’s natural.
It comes from Birth.

Telling the truth is the responsibilities of all scholars.
Evolution is not a theory on paper.
Enlightenment never end.
Truth is always.
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