Argumentum ad populum.Dawkins doesn’t speak for thousands of Catholic scientists. The ‘evolutionists’ among them alone may be more than there are Catholic ID fans.
Pope Francis declares evolution and Big Bang theory are real and God is not ‘a magician with a magic wand’ - independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/pope-francis-declares-evolution-and-big-bang-theory-are-right-and-god-isnt-a-magician-with-a-magic-9822514.html
The theory of the Big Bang is compatible with the Catholic Church’s teaching on creation and belief in both is possible, Pope Francis has said. The Pope insisted that God was responsible for the Big Bang, from which all life then evolved.
The Big Bang - the theory that the universe was born in a cosmic explosion about 13.7 billion years ago and has expanded and evolved since - “doesn’t contradict the intervention of a divine Creator, but demands it,” the Pope said.
telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/the-pope/11192802/Pope-Francis-says-Big-Bang-theory-and-evolution-compatible-with-divine-Creator.htmlThe beginning of the world was not “the work of chaos” but part of **a divine plan **by the Creator, he said.
The Pope believes evolution has occurred by Design rather than Chance. Nor does he believe God never intervenes:
catholicherald.co.uk/news/2016/01/13/pope-prayers-of-the-faithful-not-the-clergy-can-make-miracles-happen/The prayers of the faithful, not the pope, bishops, priests or nuns, have the power to make miracles happen in the most impossible situations, Pope Francis has said.