I think that neatly sums up ID for me. A packaged religion, nice graphics, good brand name, convenient for today’s fast food consumer. An appeal to magic. In this case, that DNA appeared spontaneously (didn’t it evolve from RNA?), that the species appeared spontaneously (T Rex alongside humans?), that deleterious mutations appeared spontaneously (but presumably not beneficial mutations?) due to one action by one member of one species…
Doesn’t sound plausible to me, and I can’t help remembering that while the real science helps cure diseases, helps understand and protect habitats, etc., ID is just empty calories, a meme concerned only for its own survival. And as it’s subject to empirical evidence it lasts only as long as no one can be bothered to refute it. I seem to remember some of Behe’s claims lasted only a few days before being easily and comprehensively debunked. The version of ID linked in the OP is so silly I thought at first it was a send up of ID.
Imho any faith based on ID is built on sandy ground. So thanks for the offer, but nope.
idevolution is a brand that “has been turning houses into homes for 8 years”.