Anicette, I totally understand what you’re getting at. Unfortunately, life is not that simple. My cousin and her husband married when they were both 30 and have decided not to have children (they were married in an interfaith ceremony - he is Jewish). I have no idea why, and I wish they would try as it just may happen, but it appears that he doesn’t want to. Also, the couple I mentioned in my original post is now dealing with infertility. So, fertility is not a given regardless of age. Also, a little known fact is that men also have a biological clock. Starting in their mid 30s, the quality of men’s sperm starts to show greater anomalies and there is a greater chance of miscarriage a(regardless of the woman’s age, autism, and other diseases. I can’t believe how many ads I’ve seen on Catholic Match where men in their 40s want 5+ kids. These same men probably think that they are super fertile and would probably refuse to consider someone like me even though I look younger than they are. This is a very complex, multi-faceted issue. I believe that age is a mixture of chronological age + physical age + emotional age. I was recently on a cruise with some WW2 Veterans. Surely we cannot compare veterans who fought in Normandy at 18 years or age to the average 18 year old kid nowadays who spends his day playing videogames. There is just no comparison.