Destination: Socialism

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“The study identifies three main factors that influence the political spectrum polarization: attitude to private property, degree of individual freedom, and the scale of wealth redistribution.”

“The political doctrine is left-wing if it assaults private property rights OR subjugates the individual to the collective OR imposes compulsory and scaled-wealth redistribution. The “OR” operand means that these factors can be employed individually or in concert and can be considered unique paths to socialism.”

  • Attitude to private property
  • Degree of individual freedom
  • Scale of wealth redistribution
December 24, 2020

Destination: Socialism​

By Allen Gindler

In a recent article, I stated that the U.S. lacks an influential right-wing party, and our two major parties — Democrats and Republicans — are left and center-left, respectively. . . .

First of all, it is necessary to clarify what we understand by the left-right political spectrum. A political spectrum is a system of qualitative comparisons of different political philosophies. There are plenty of approaches in compiling the political spectrum based on various factors. . .

. . . Recent developments in the analysis of political philosophies, based on a multi-disciplinary approach utilizing set theory and mathematical logic in a framework of qualitative comparative analysis (QCA), started to remove the ambiguity in understanding a political spectrum. The study identifies three main factors that influence the political spectrum polarization: attitude to private property, degree of individual freedom, and the scale of wealth redistribution.

The political doctrine is left-wing if it assaults private property rights OR subjugates the individual to the collective OR imposes compulsory and scaled-wealth redistribution. The “OR” operand means that these factors can be employed individually or in concert and can be considered unique paths to socialism. Thus, Bolsheviks utilized all three ways to build communism, and Italian Fascists and German Nazis used coercive collectivization of consciousness and generous wealth redistribution as the main paths to socialism. In contrast, evolutionary socialists funnel the effort to implement a massive wealth redistribution along with the gradual indoctrination of the population.

Evolutionary socialism is the type of socialist movement that has become most prevalent in the United States. This means that its signs must be sought in policies regarding compulsory wealth redistribution. . . .


I think what Gindler is referring to as “Evolutionary Socialism” in the article, I have referred to as “Fabian Socialism” here at CAF.
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The good thing is that, at least, those who hate freedom and voted accordingly will be happy. Unfortunately, the rest of us have to suffer.
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