Detroit Archdiocese bans reception for nun

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It certainly has taken Maida a long time, if indeed he has seen the light. We’ve known about this woman since forever. Worse than dissident - Boring.


I am surprised it took that long, she was disobediant to the Vatican.God Bless
To be specific, the Cardinal reiterated a ban on her dating from 1998.

She’s been banned from using Archdiocesan property since then.
Hi all, I’m new here, tho I’ve listened to CA for years. I live in the Detroit Archdiocese, and another person I wish Cardinal Maida would do something about is Bp. Gumbleton! I can hardly wait for this fine Diocese to be rid of the dissidents; they offer nothing more than misinformation and confusion.
Wildly jumping up and down

YAY! Maida may be growing a spine!!! First he reprimanded the IHM nuns in Monroe for giving financial support to Emily’s List, and now this! We can only hope about Gumbleton, but I doubt anything will change there.

Here’s more about that “nun.”
“All Are Welcome” Loretto Welcomes Jeannine Gramick SL
by Maureen Fiedler SL
Interchange Newsletter

For me, the most compelling symbol of the day came early. On the road in front of the Motherhouse, two men walked and talked quietly, holding hands. They obviously felt at home, accepted, welcomed.

Within minutes, the opening hymm of the Eucharist burst forth: “All are welcome…All are welcome in this place…” It was sung with such power that it seemed it could be heard from Louisville to Lexington. Indeed, I thought with pride, all are welcome.

This day, June 26th, Loretto members joined more that 60 other guests to celebrate Jeannine Gramick’s incorporation into Loretto. Those who have been part of Jeannine’s ministry, gay men and lesbians and the parents of gays and lesbians, joined sisters from Jeannine’s former SSND community and scores of others for a Eucharist followed by a festive dinner and party. The celebrant was Bishop Leroy Matthiesen, retired Bishop of Amarillo, Texas.

The service focused on four major influences in Jeannine’s life. Amy Stenson, former Loretto volunteer at New Ways Ministry and co-member in process, talked about Jeannine’s family, especially the inspiration of her father who passed away earlier this year. Marie DeChantal Haigley SSND briefly recounted Jeannine’s 40 years as an SSND, expressing both sadness and good wishes for Jeannine in Loretto. Frank DeBernardo, executive director of New Ways Ministry, told how a gay man, Dominic Bash, challenged Jeannine in 1971 with a question that led to her lifelong ministry, “What is the Church doing for my gay brothers and sisters?” Mary Ann Coyle SL told of Jeannine’s love for Loretto.

Mary Catherine Rabbitt SL officiated at Jeannine’s vows and recieved them in the name of the community- to sustained applause.

After the liturgy, guests gathered for dinner in a rainbow-decorated room. After great homespun entertainment, Jeannine invited out-of-town guests to say why they came. One couple with three gay sons said they felt “alone” in the Church until they met Jeannine- someone who finally understood.

A Maryknoll sister thanked Jeannine for her books because they had been very helpful in dealing with gay/lesbian issues in the Philippines.

A lesbian couple testified that they are committed Catholics today because Jeannine welcomed and affirmed them in a Church where they had felt rejected.

All the stories caught the theme of the day: “All are welcome…” in Jeannine’s heart and in Loretto.
I’m really trying to understand why Sister Gramick’s work bothers so many of you so much–:confused:
Exactly what did she do to incur so much wrath?
I’m really trying to understand why Sister Gramick’s work bothers so many of you so much–:confused:
Exactly what did she do to incur so much wrath?
She’s been silenced by the Holy Father and disobeyed, she was released from her religious order for being involved with groups that are in total juxtapostion with Church law and teaching. She’s involved with Dignity.

I’m very proud of Cardinal Maida for standing up to her.
Detroit Sue:
She’s been silenced by the Holy Father and disobeyed, she was released from her religious order for being involved with groups that are in total juxtapostion with Church law and teaching. She’s involved with Dignity.

I’m very proud of Cardinal Maida for standing up to her.
Oh dear! I didn’t know she had been silenced by the Holy Father. Was it because of her involvement with Dignity? Because it has been my previous understanding that Dignity is considered to be legitimate. If I remember correctly, this group is active in several parishes in the Archdiocese of Seattle, but perhaps I am mistaken. I know very little about Dignity, other than it is for Catholic gays and lesbians. I may be quite mistaken, though. It’s not a group I am very familiar with. From your post, I gather it is not actually an Church-endorsed group–??
Nightrider - While Dignity is still active in many parishes, and some dioceses, it has been condemned for denying Church teachings. The approved organization is Courage, [if my memory hasn’t slipped again].
Joe Kelley:
Nightrider - While Dignity is still active in many parishes, and some dioceses, it has been condemned for denying Church teachings. The approved organization is Courage, [if my memory hasn’t slipped again].
Oh, ok. I see–I didn’t know that. Thank you for the clarification.
When someone defies the Holy Father it makes a difference doesn’t it? I think they try to work with someone before they take that step.
Because it has been my previous understanding that Dignity is considered to be legitimate.
Dignity is most certainly not considered legitimate by the Catholic Church. A quick visit to this site, complete with a photograph of a woman serving as celebrant during the Liturgy of the Eucharist, ought to clear up any misconceptions.

– Mark L. Chance.
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