Margita you hit it right on the head ( no pun intended) once again. YOUR GOOD!! That is exactly what I think. Today DH came home and slept all evening and we didn’t talk so hopefully tommorow when I get back from work he can finally feel relaxed and we can talk about this in a civilized manner.

It is hot here too in the 90’s and it’s only May

I wonder what is in store for us this summer. Oh the misery.
Oh and John trust me I don’t hold back, he occasionally does (thats whole different issue) I am not the one picking and choosing what the church teaches. I think that is what got me in this pregnant state to begin with. Know what I mean:blushing: But on a serious note NFP does require that you abstain in your fertile phase if you wish to postpone a baby, my issue was I just couldnt tell maybe I wasnt a good listener when we attended our classes. The whole temprature shift and shaving and low and high. Plus I am nursing too.That has thrown me for a loop.I really intened to call our couple that taught us but I only got my period once and and didn’t get it again so what good does that do me at this point. I wont be rushing anytime soon but
I hope in the near future to relearn it or learn something else like the creighton method. I don’t know. I am tired and my quiet time is over so I must sleep now.
Quiet times:
No i wasnt meaning you were the one threatening it, two posters after you had , to them what they think is fine and dandy they can do no wrong they can choose to “ignore” certain rules because its them, but someone else do it or a spouse and they send a wrath down on them, its the same things that get NON Catholics looking down on the church,
its against church teaching to get a vasectomy its also against church teaching to use the “act” as a weapon or to withhold as a punishment, however my point was that to some on here its ok if they look the other way BUT noone else better do it, they have an excuse to do what they want, they rationalize it differently well I am very sure a person can rationalise a vasectomy in the same ways.
its also perfectly fine for the man to feel the same way about constant pregnancies, two wrongs do not make a right and sorry but your I am above church teaching when ever i feel like it attitude is what causes many to not convert, they see as I do the many many people who come to church drunker than a skunk esspecially for the Christmas mass, then tell people they went to mass so they are forgiven,
If the issue was to ruin as you say, then neither party is in it for better or for worse,we are not supposed to seek a revenge on something, That is not our resposibility or purpose in this world. Yet your attitude and suggestions to someone are exactly that.
its not up to us to punish someone either .
so before you suggest to someone asking for help to commit an act as bad as the one being done that they are asking about in the first place you might want to think it through,
if you truely think such a thing would hamper your ability to unify with a spouse, maybe it would be better to go your separate you are holding the attitude its my way or the highway anyways, life isnt like that sorry.I would take the highway.
but then again I try not to be around those whom are selfish and controlling anyways so it wouldnt even be an issue.
Quiet times: keep seeking advice, BUT dont use threats,they serve no real purpose other than to cause many future problems.
and what on this earth could you possibly have to threaten than is worse than eternal damnation anyways.
Sorry if i seem rude But I get so sick of seeing people on this site tell someone to seek revenge on someone else because of something they did, or plan to do.also keep in mind there is nothing we know of at all that is 100 percent effective against contraception, NOT EVEN ABSTINENCE like so many seem to believe if God wants you to have a baby guess what, nothing you can do say and nowhere you hide will stop that fact…
People using NFP just think they are beating God and only because he allows them to think that.