John,I just wanted to give everyone an update on my progress though the inquiry process. I just finished the last of my five interviews. My wife and I had to meet with three Deacons and also the Director of the Diaconate program and the Assistant Director. It was very long and sometimes a little much, but it was a time that I learned a lot about myself.
Our last interview was with the Director of the program, and that was last Thursday. He is a priest, and it was one of the harder interviews that we had. I feel that I didn’t do as well on that interview as I was having a hard time understanding what he was really asking. I think part of it was that the other interviews asked similar questions, but although his questions sounded similar, he was going after something completely different and that took a bit for both my wife and I to fully understand what he was asking. He was a bit quiet too, so that may have played into it a bit.
All of the deacons we met with were very warm, welcoming and lively to talk with. Many of these discussions lasted 2 hours, but yet it just seemed like a very friendly chat.
Anyhow, now I just wait and leave the decision to God to make and see what the next steps are. I would be lying if I said I wouldn’t be a little disappointed if I was not accepted into aspirancy, but I know God has my best intentions and He will do what is right. With that, I am comfortable in knowing that I must be open to His will and not mine.
Regardless of the outcome, I have a better understanding of myself, those who I love, my Church, and my Creator and His love for me. This will be a process, regardless of what the outcome is, that I will cherish for the rest of my life.
My continued prayers are with you. God bless you and your wife for being open to go through this process, I know that it is not easy. Whatever the outcome I am sure that your ministry in the Church will flourish.
God bless,