Diaconate Inquiry Admissions Process

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I just wanted to give everyone an update on my progress though the inquiry process. I just finished the last of my five interviews. My wife and I had to meet with three Deacons and also the Director of the Diaconate program and the Assistant Director. It was very long and sometimes a little much, but it was a time that I learned a lot about myself.

Our last interview was with the Director of the program, and that was last Thursday. He is a priest, and it was one of the harder interviews that we had. I feel that I didn’t do as well on that interview as I was having a hard time understanding what he was really asking. I think part of it was that the other interviews asked similar questions, but although his questions sounded similar, he was going after something completely different and that took a bit for both my wife and I to fully understand what he was asking. He was a bit quiet too, so that may have played into it a bit.

All of the deacons we met with were very warm, welcoming and lively to talk with. Many of these discussions lasted 2 hours, but yet it just seemed like a very friendly chat.

Anyhow, now I just wait and leave the decision to God to make and see what the next steps are. I would be lying if I said I wouldn’t be a little disappointed if I was not accepted into aspirancy, but I know God has my best intentions and He will do what is right. With that, I am comfortable in knowing that I must be open to His will and not mine.

Regardless of the outcome, I have a better understanding of myself, those who I love, my Church, and my Creator and His love for me. This will be a process, regardless of what the outcome is, that I will cherish for the rest of my life.



My continued prayers are with you. God bless you and your wife for being open to go through this process, I know that it is not easy. Whatever the outcome I am sure that your ministry in the Church will flourish.

God bless,
I just wanted to give a quick update, and to thank everyone for praying for my wife and myself as we have been applying to the aspirancy year of the diacoante. Yesterday when I came home from work, I had a letter from the diocese and it informed us that we were selected to enter into the Aspirancy Year for the Diaconate program. I am truly humbled by all of this and I just wanted to say thank you to each of you for your encouragement, enlightenment, reflections and prayers. We shall see what the next year holds and if we are called after that to continue the journey of the diaconate.

Many blessing to all,

I am not sure if I should say “congratulations” or offer you sympathy. What I will say is this: “Go and live the call that you have received.” Continued prayers for your discernment.
Mike, I don’t think you should offer me sympathy… if this is God calling me it is a blessing. Jesus died for us, so any hardships that this might present are very small in comparison to the price He paid for us and I gladly accept those.

I also don’t think you should congratulate me, I;m just following what my heart is telling me and if this is His call, then all praise should be given to God.

I do appreciate your prayers though… thank you.

God bless,

I just wanted to give a quick update, and to thank everyone for praying for my wife and myself as we have been applying to the aspirancy year of the diacoante. Yesterday when I came home from work, I had a letter from the diocese and it informed us that we were selected to enter into the Aspirancy Year for the Diaconate program. I am truly humbled by all of this and I just wanted to say thank you to each of you for your encouragement, enlightenment, reflections and prayers. We shall see what the next year holds and if we are called after that to continue the journey of the diaconate.

Many blessing to all,

Saying a prayer of thanksgiving for you and your family.

Do not worry or focus on the goal, remember to live and enjoy the journey.👍

And keep up the prayers!
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