I went to public elementary schools for Kindergarden through 8th grade, but attended Catholic Catechism classes from First grade, through Eighth grade. I was Confirmed in Eighth grade, and then Catechism classes ended.
I attended an all-girls Benedictine Catholic high school for grades 9-12 and graduated from there.
High School was rigorous as it was a College Prep. curriculum so I had a lot of homework from the first day of high school until I graduated.
School was strict, as I expected it to be. You were expected to conduct yourself in a certain manner, as young ladies were expected to do.
We had Theology classes throughout high school. Each year we were required to take a Theology class that lasted the length of the whole school year.
We also attended school Masses throughout the school year. For example, there would be a school Mass that we would go to on a particular Saint’s Feast Day.
We were taught by both Nuns and Catholic lay teachers.