Since Jewish people rejected Jesus Christ and killed him, I don’t understand why Christianity in the name of political correctness is being re-labeled “Judeo-Christianity.” That seems to make as much sense to me as calling it “Islamo-Christianity,” since Islam incorporates the Bible into the Koran.
But, looking at Judaism and Christianity today, they are completely different and have completely different sets of moral codes and spiritual beliefs. In Judaism, the Talmud, which is a collection of Rabbinical teachings, takes precedence over the Torah, and many of the Talmudic teachings are quite shocking (quite anti-Christian, for example).
But, looking at Judaism and Christianity today, they are completely different and have completely different sets of moral codes and spiritual beliefs. In Judaism, the Talmud, which is a collection of Rabbinical teachings, takes precedence over the Torah, and many of the Talmudic teachings are quite shocking (quite anti-Christian, for example).