Did God punish me?

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Did God punish me by putting me on earth with a disability or is it something that God knows the people chose to put on earth with disabilities can live with?
Sickness is not a punishment. It’s a challenge, and it’s sometimes debilitating. But your spirit, your soul can soar above it. God loves you beyond measure. I have learned so much about true love, acceptance, and genuine Christian goodwill to others from my disabled friends. I pray that I make their lives easier to bear.
I will pray for you as well. My mother used to say that God so loves those with disabilities, and He cannot ignore their prayers on behalf of others, they are so pure of heart.
I don’t consider myself disabled, but I have diagnosed Asperger’s syndrome, and to me it’s just the way it is. I like being the way I am, even if other people don’t always like that. You should see your life as a blessing regardless of the challenges you have, because the fact that you have a life is a blessing. I don’t know what trials you face, I don’t know what’s going on in your life, but I know you always have God with you.
God is in know way punishing you, so please don’t think that way. We are all God’s children and there are so many that have disabilities. I have known people who had to adjust to living with a disability after being in a car accident, to one friend who had a child born with spinal bifida and they are living happy, productive lives. There are others that can let there lives go by feeling sorry for themselves and what a waste of a precious life that is. There is no difference between you and me, Jesus loves and cares for you as He does me and that sustains me. The Love that radiates from His Heart is enough to fill every heart in this world that is open to Him. You enjoy your life, be happy and stay close to those who love you. God Bless you and a Happy and Healthy New Year to you and yours.🦋🦋
What is that supposed to mean that I was born disabled for the sin of the first man?
Through the sin of Adam all manner of sickness entered the human race.

I have a “disability”, and it’s made me a more compassionate, empathetic person. Yeah, it’s a pain in the proverbial “a**”, but I live with it. As to it being due to the Fall of Adam and Eve, I say NUTS to that!!

Hi John!

I have Bipolar Type 1 with PTSD (which I’ve pretty much resolved through therapy).

I’m pretty stable using meds and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. My biggest hurdle is trying to keep mentally active. Can’t afford boredom!

Well, one jerk has made comments about my Faith, but no one has ridiculed me about my illness. If they did, it would demonstrate that they’re the sick ones, not me.

People make fun of me all the time that’s why I have no friends no companion anything.

I’m truly sorry to hear this. Some people can be thoughtless and cruel toward us. I don’t mean to appear trite or condescending, but I fall back on God’s unconditional love for me. I only have two very close friends who are also disabled and I treasure their friendship.

However, at present, one is experiencing his own depression, and out of respect, allow him his quietude, and the other friend, I see once in a while.

So, I have to believe that there’s Someone who cares enough about me to be with me.

As for God punishing you, John, please take it from me (and the rest of us at CAF) that you ARE loved, not being punished. You have a physical illness just as I do, but I’ve never believed that God punished me.

You’re always in the best of hands, my friend, and never think otherwise!

Your friend,

I have a theory that doesn’t have any scriptural basis, but is interesting : perhaps before we are born, God asks us which hardship we prefer… We are all destined to experience grief and difficulties of various kinds. Maybe your extreme grief and difficulty will result in a more refined character and greater rewards in heaven, and some of your sacrifices will be channeled to somehow contribute needed grace to a loved one. And you had a discussion with God about this before you were born.
Hi @John337,

I’m so very sorry to hear that people are making fun of you. 😥

People can be very cruel and unkind, that’s for sure.

You’re not alone. You have friends here on the forum, at CAF who care about you. 🙂

We’re not going to ridicule you.

I had a Great Uncle who had Cerebral Palsy. I loved him very much. He was such a great person to be around, and he was so much fun to be with. ❤️

He was really funny, too, and loved to tell these really funny jokes. 😁

He loved to play board games, like Monopoly, and he liked to go to the movies, too.
I don’t think that disabilities are punishments…

I have lots of chronic health issues that I have to deal with, and admittedly, sometimes they really take their toll on me.

When that happens, I “offer it up” for others, as in “redemptive suffering.”

As in St. Paul says, “I make up for what is lacking in the Body of Christ.”

I’ll think of others and pray for them, and offer my sufferings for the sins of others, for example, or will offer it for their Purgatory or for mine, and so on.
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Hi @John337,

I’m so very sorry to hear that people are making fun of you. 😥

People can be very cruel and unkind, that’s for sure.

You’re not alone. You have friends here on the forum, at CAF who care about you. 🙂

We’re not going to ridicule you.

And as Stuart says, one true friend is worth so much more than 100 false friends. That’s in the Bible in Proverbs I think.

Jesus is our first and truest friend. And so much love is given us from God.
You too, have lots of friends here so if you feel things are getting to be to much, just give a holler. You are so supportive of others. I have read alot of your posts. I know what it’s like to have chronic health issues. I went through it with my husband. God Bless and keep you close. May you and yours have a Blessed and Healthy New Year.🦋🦋🦋
Yes, our works of mercy are ultimately what we will be judged on at the end of this temporary life. Not on how many friends or whether we hiked such-and-such mountain or what type of job. This is a worldly facade. Our failings and weakness help to strengthen us in humility, which is a perfect door to Jesus’s graces. Remember to ask for His graces and stay close to the sacraments. Work at becoming a friend of Jesus. He has given you a sacred and special opportunity. He has set you aside, and so I believe you have an opportunity for great holiness!
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