Did God really command violence?

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In the days of the sons of Israel, those direct orders from God were actually through His servant, Moses and his successors in the priesthood. What would “direct” orders from God look like in modern times?
Putting non-combatants to death is something that can only be legitimate in response to direct orders from God, for He alone is in the position to pronounce a death sentence on every single person in a city.
Watch the video to the end. It points out that the Germans wore belts with the phrase “Gott mit uns” on them. How do we know this was not true? Seems to me the only reason we can confidently say that Gott was not mit uns was because they lost.
No, they will confess that God is good and they are evil. They will admit that their crimes deserve eternal damnation
No, they will confess that God is good and they are evil. They will admit that their crimes deserve eternal damnation
Ok, I’ll believe that when I see it. In the meantime, do you have a useful response to the video?
Of course they lost. God was against them, and He is infuriated by those who take His Name in vain by presuming to kill in His Name when He has not commanded it.
Of course they lost. God was against them, and He is infuriated by those who take His Name in vain by presuming to kill in His Name when He has not commanded it.
But of course the video takes place in media res. So if you can’t supply a method for determining whether or not God is on the side of a genocide without the benefit of hindsight, you might want to re-evaluate whether or not that is a God who deserves to be obeyed.
Bro lemme stop you right there.
Bro, there’s no strawman, it really isn’t.
It honestly boils down to kill everyone who could grow up to get vengeance and nab the women and breed our enemies out of existing.

Good for Israel but when king William does it’s called a reason for Scottish Independence.
What sign did Hitler give that God had commanded him to do this? The Jordan River parted before Israel, and the walls of Jericho collapsed at the sound of the shofar.
Bro lemme stop you right there.
It honestly boils down to kill everyone who could grow up to get vengeance and nab the women and breed our enemies out of existing.
Your response confirms that you know the reason was not ethnicity. Ergo: straw man.

But I am not sure you’ve been following the allegorical sense. The enemies of Israel are literally evil itself. They must be vanquished completely or they will corrupt Israel. It happens over and over again, and Israel seems intent on ignoring YHWH’s gentler lessons.

If an enemy arose that was abjectly and irredeemably evil, then the Body of Christ would be duty-bound to stamp them out. It has occurred in Church history. Perhaps there is no objectively evil group of people today, and that is why genocide is not tolerated. Or is there?
What sign did Hitler give that God had commanded him to do this?
Are you changing your own rules?
Putting non-combatants to death is something that can only be legitimate in response to direct orders from God
Now we need signs?
I believe today that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator.
~Mein Kampf
I go the way that Providence dictates with the assurance of a sleepwalker.
~ Speech, March 15, 1936
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The Lord works wonders to mark those whom He has sent. Moses dared not act against those who challenged his authority, but rather waited for God to destroy those that rebelled against him, and declared that he was no prophet if these men did not die miraculously. Anyone can make a claim, but are truly sent by God will be able to prove it by sign and wonder.
They understood that God did not want them worshipping other gods, and they believed this meant they must completely and utterly destroy people who worshipped other gods. The Lord allowed this and inspired it to be written down, not only for its spiritual meaning but as a record of salvation history.
The issue is in places like Numbers 31, God isn’t just letting them believe this, he’s instructing Moses to take vengeance, and Moses gives orders to kill, including women and children. You can say that those instructions were those of Moses not God, but a) God knew what Moses would command, even if other’s hearts were hardened Moses was a prophet; and b) it would then call into question everything God instructed people to do through Moses and other prophets.
Anyone can make a claim, but are truly sent by God will be able to prove it by sign and wonder.
Look at those goalposts fly! You need God’s direct command to kill people → God also has to send you a sign → You also have to perform miracles.

Isn’t it funny how you now demanding the exact same things atheists demand (perform signs/wonders in an observable way) to prove claims about God when you’re not willing to give the person making the claims the benefit of the doubt?

I’m not moving goalposts; you are being deliberately obtuse. When God sends you, He does so in a manner that is obvious to you and to those to whom He sent you.
When God sends you, He does so in a manner that is obvious to you and to those to whom He sent you.
“Obvious” is subjective, and to the guards at the prison camps, I’m sure the “goodness” of their work was obvious.
So does that mean that those are not God’s actual commands, but Moses’ interpretation of God’s will?
That’s an understandable position but a very wrong one.
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