Did Jesus and Mary have divine help?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Walterross
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Quick question that has been irking me a bit. I know as catholics we believe that both Jesus and Mary were without sin, but not without temptation to sin. Looking at the world now, it seems like the only way to learn is to make mistakes. To stumble and fall helps us learn how to walk correctly. Same in the arena of sin. I can’t fathom how Jesus and Mary would be without ONE sin in their existence. Unless of course, God gave them special graces that he does not give anyone else, possibly to fulfill scripture or a prophesy? And if he did give Jesus and Mary special graces, shouldn’t he go easy on us as far as judgement? Since we’re more easily inclined to sin? Yes, Jesus and Mary were without sin, but realistically, how could they be without special help? Help that isn’t given to the rest of us.
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Looking at the world now, it seems like the only way to learn is to make mistakes.
No it’s not.
Did you make every mistake before you did things the right way?
Did you stick a fork in an electrical socket before you learned not to do it? Or drink bleach?
We learn lots of stuff just by trusting and believing the people who taught us.
Or by watching other people’s screw-ups.
I suppose it’s not the only way to learn, but it does seem like lots of different scenarios exist where mistakes are inevitable.
I can’t fathom how Jesus and Mary would be without ONE sin in their existence. Unless of course, God gave them special graces that he does not give anyone else, possibly to fulfill scripture or a prophesy?
Well for one thing, Jesus is God.
And if he did give Jesus and Mary special graces, shouldn’t he go easy on us as far as judgement? Since we’re more easily inclined to sin?
Perhaps He does.

In recent years (post-Vatican II, more or less), we almost always hear about love, mercy, God’s forgiveness, the hope of salvation, and so on. We hear relatively little about God’s justice. Perhaps that is as it should be.

But it can’t be right to have many go to communion, and few go to confession. Have people quit committing mortal sins?
I can’t fathom how Jesus and Mary would be without ONE sin in their existence.
Can you at least fathom Jesus without sin? Because it is mandatory to believe this, it is in the Creed and the root of our religion. His Sacrifice is not complete if He had one little tiny sin. How could He? He just did it. How did He resurect from the dead? How did He allow to be crucified when He knew the Father loved Him and performed miracles when asked by the Son, Who is Jesus.
Just because you and I are not blameless it is does not mean it is logically impossible.
Even between people, you cannot always measure others by your own standard.
We do believe Mary had something special:
“Hail Mary, full of grace…”

Jesus, as has been pointed out, was even more so ‘special’ but not by way of something given - just who he was: God.
Well for one thing it is not truly difficult to stay away from mortal sin.
Venial sin is a different matter but Mary is full of grace and Jesus is God. They are wonderful examples to imitate.
Looking at the world now, it seems like the only way to learn is to make mistakes. To stumble and fall helps us learn how to walk correctly.
Ad therein lies the answer. Neither suffered from concupiscence, whilst the entirety of the word does. And that it is which produces newspapers and makes headlines.
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