Did Jesus cuss [NO], and must we emulate him?

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He was a carpenter. I’m sure He hit His thumb with a hammer at some point. He was fully human.
“Blind fools, which is greater, the gold, or the temple that made the gold sacred?”
– Matthew 23:17-33

Can this be counted as cussing?
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‘Cussing’ is such a quaint word. You USA people really use it? I thought it was just something they said in Westerns!

The more substantive question asked by the OP is this: ‘Are we commanded to always do as Jesus did?’ Yes we are. He Himself tells us to take up our cross and follow Him.
Personally, I think one should not be offensive to other people.

Besides that, I have long thought that “brood of vipers” and 'whited sepulchres" were a bit heavy. I thought calling Herod “that fox” was spot on but not very nice - at least in the culture within which I am living now. Jesus calling Peter “Satan” must have given poor Peter a real shock.
I nearly passed out when I first heard the cuss words very commonly used in my previous suburb (a very poor area beset by probably every social problem in the book). I had to remind myself that these too are God’s children beloved by Him. When I shifted from that area 28 years later, it was all water off a duck’s back. Not only that, but I did learn that they had beautiful virtues including an incredible and elevated sense of community, belonging and sharing.
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