
If you learned the Apostles Creed in English, keep in mind that the Apostles neither spoke nor wrote in English.NO! That is true. As a catholic of 35 Years. I know the Aspostles creedo, the creedo by heart.
It says, He descended into hell and on the 3rd day he rose again. He descended into hell, Just to let Satan know he could, visited the souls in hell and than left. (When I was in Prison you visited me.) He did not bind Satan though. He will do that at the end of time on earth.
You learned a translation of the Apostles Creed and it’s important to understand how correctly those particular words were translated.
In Greek, there were two different words, Gehenna, the place of the damned, and Hades, the place of the dead. In English we translate both as “Hell,” and lose the distinction. In the Greek version of the Apostles Creed, Christ descended to Hades, NOT Gehenna.
Christ did not descend to Gehenna to tease Satan by ringing his doorbell and then running away. He went to Hades to preach to all of the good souls who lived decent lives but died without having had heard of Him.