Heres How I believe. I believe that conserving Syriac is very important. How can a group who loses their identity influence others. Its a shame to me that most Maronites don’t know Syriac (me included for now). I don’t hate arabs of course, but I feel the Maronites must return to their old traditions as Rome has ordered. While I wish Lebanon was a Christian (Maronite) Country, I would never expel or kill Muslims, they are Lebanese too and they are the same people as us still, they just converted while we stayed Christian. Instead, I believe we should preach the Gospel to them (as we should for everyone) ad they already have a respect for the Saints, however, I have heard Maronites began to speak arabic to preach the gospel, and while I agree with preaching the gospel, we can not lose our own traditions and identity doing so, or we eventually lose who we are and by extension our own literature, liturgy, and ultimately Faith. Instead We should bring the rest of Lebanon to the light of Maronite (and the other Christians too) Tradition and show what we truly have. Concerning non Lebanese Maronites, Don’t worry, you are just as Maronite as us. While Maronites are an ethnoreligious group, we (most of us at least) accept anyone who is willing to join, and we are happy that you joined us. In my parish, some of our members are European. They are mostly welcome and not barred from anything, and they participate in the church. So don’t worry and if they don’t accept you, then ignore them, because if you officially became Maronite (I don’t know the process to switch Churches) then you are just as Maronite as us. Of course we would love you to see and enjoy our predominantly Lebanese culture, but it’s your choice.
We are an ethnic group yes, but we are still Christian and called to convert others. I would suggest the Maronites put most conversion efforts in Lebanon and around because that’s where they are most familiar. Each Churches culture is best suited to convert those who are most similar. That’s kind of the reason why most eastern Catholic Churches exist, to preserve their unique, yet Christian culture. but all people are welcome. While we must preserve our deposit of culture and traditions, We are Christians and the Catholic Church is universal. The end goal is everyone in Earth converted to Christianity, because Jesus transcends all cultures. Of course we must preserve the 22 I think different Catholic Churches and their uniqueness, anyone who truly wants to be a Maronite and join us is free to do so.