Did Pope Benedict Correct Vatican II?

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No…not a good post. I DARE the writer of that post to trade positions with the bishops and try to do a better job. I am not saying that the bishops are pearly white. We all definitely know the bishops can be shady, like the bishop who suggested that the whole Church should fast in light of the priest scandal as opposed to the bishop who countered that only the bishops should fast.

If they are at fault, then try to be a “pen pal” to them like Catherine of Sienna. 😃 She had her opinions, but was humble enough to know her place. But the original writer of that post already thought of that and has that covered, right?

Mentioning the humility of Saint X or Saint Y is a red herring - it does absolutely nothing to explain (let alone justify) why the bishops have done such a rotten job of teaching the true meaning of the Council. That they have failed to do so - for all of 40 years, at that - is the only logical conclusion to draw from the Pope’s words on this subject now, & on others at other times. The criticisms made are not examined, or answered - which suggests they may be unanswerable​

If they are so incompetent, this condemns them, & the popes who chose them. The laity did not choose them - we have no say in the matter. The blame is theirs, & it is Rome’s; not ours. If that offends your pietas, well, I’m sorry, but there it is.

Did the laity draft or pass or approve the Council documents ? Of course not - the bishops did; & it is scandalous that the Pope should cast doubt on a conciliar document - if we cannot trust the acts of a Council to be reliable, where are we to find reliable teaching ? All the Pope has done is undermine confidence in the Church’s teaching.

So what is the point of listening to anything these (very obviously) confused & mistaken people say ? None 😦 - a point made by Father Edward Black, in a letter to “The Times”, in the week that Mgr. Lefebvre died. One does not have to be sympathetic to the SSPX to agree that the Church destroys its own credibility when it contradicts its past teaching; & the Pope is showing that Vatican II, the “supercouncil”, having set aside the past, is itself being set aside. This means that Catholicism is reduced to having no more content than whatever the current “party line” is at Rome at a given moment. So much for “the perpetuity of the Faith” (!) It is no less scandalous that Catholic doctrine should be made so infinitely malleable, a nose of wax to be tweaked any way :mad: - the Faith should not be treated as identical with the whims of Wojtyla or Ratzinger - they should conform their ideas to it, & never vice versa.

St. Catherine was at least spared this kind of doctrinal chaos - probably it would have destroyed her faith; the saints might have been in a very bad way, had they lived at times other than they did. ##
St. Catherine was at least spared this kind of doctrinal chaos - probably it would have destroyed her faith; the saints might have been in a very bad way, had they lived at times other than they did.
How can you say that? Are you underestimating the grace of God? Remember that faith, hope, and charity are gifts from God. Sure we must cooperate with God and make an effort to retain those gifts, but they are nevertheless gifts from God. To say that the saints might not have been saints had they lived in our times is similar to saying that God didn’t know what He was doing when He allowed these evil times to come upon the Church. In other words, it’s impossible to reach sanctity in these times. Wrong! If more faith is needed in these evil times which God has permitted, God will give us more faith!

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