Why did you start by saying “nope” . What did I say different than what you quoted?
Did I give my opinion, or did I simply say what the council of Trent taught?
But, do you find it at all interesting that today, since the inroduction of communion under both kinds, a lot of Catholic feel as though they are missing out if they don’t receive under both forms? I have heard people call into Catholic answers with this exact concern. They felt as though they were missing out by not receiving under both forms.
The language is disciplinary, not doctrinal. As such, it could be discussed, just as it would be acceptable to discussed a married priesthood. And even ArchBishop Lefebvre The Great (hey, why not?) was in favor of incorporating some vernacular into the Mass - not into the canon, but into the prayers at the foot of the altar and some of the readings.
Now, don’t blame me for quoting the Council of Trent and showing that the Novus Ordo Mass has employed the same “reforms” that were condemned at that council.
If you don’t like what the Council of Trent taught, then say so; and if you think the Protestant heretics were just a little ahead of their time, then say so.