Did you have your throat blessed?

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Today (Feb, 3) was the feast of St. Blaise. Did you (or are you going to) have your throat blessed?

I did, but it was more accidental than planned.
  • JMJ +
Yes, I attended Mass at my children’s school this afternoon and thought they would do it at the Mass, but I guess they went around to the classrooms in the morning and I asked Father if he could bless my 5 year old and me. I have an auto-immune disease of the thyroid gland.

Saint Blaise, bishop and martyr, pray for me and all those in need of your intercession. Amen.
Yes yes yes! Twice actually, (noon mass, and an evening mass) but boy do I need it, I’ve caught a cold but I did feel better after both masses. :yup:
maryprayforme said:
+ JMJ +

Yes, I attended Mass at my children’s school this afternoon and thought they would do it at the Mass, but I guess they went around to the classrooms in the morning and I asked Father if he could bless my 5 year old and me. I have an auto-immune disease of the thyroid gland.

Saint Blaise, bishop and martyr, pray for me and all those in need of your intercession. Amen.

Thank you for posting this…I didn’t even make the connection. I was recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism.
Yes, the priest did a general blessing on everyone at mass last Sunday. 🙂
Yes, I had my throat blessed today. Father instructed to form two lines at each side of the isle and the blessing took about 20 minutes. During the homily Father explained that the blessing is not only for ailments of the throat, but also to keep from sinning by using the mouth, like profanity, gossiping, and other such things.
Our priest had a general blessing and also invited everyone up after mass for private ones. The line was almost out the door! I was, for some weird reason, surprised that the priest not only did a blessing for me, but also for my baby (who has yet to be born 😛 )
The first time I had my throat blessed I had the worst series of illnesses of the throat including laryngitis and tracheitis. Since then I have been diagnosed with GERD. Last year I had a good year, and just have to hope that by having my throat blessed I will not have another nasty year of infections and problems.

I just came to the forums to ask a question about this. I logged on to EWTN television via computer and saw that people were coming down to the priests and the priests were putting something that looked like a big X to the throats of the people.

We don’t have this custom in Australia. Could you please explain it to me i.e. How the blessing is done, what words are said, the significance of the big X , when did this custom originate?
I’m not sure why the big X (I think it’s more a V—just a manner of more easily holding the blessed candles on each side of the throat?) It is the day after the Purificaation, on which the candles are blessed.

An EMHC may invoke the intercession, and since there was only one Priest and quite a long line after the evening Mass, Father asked me to help with the blessing. The words of blessing we used are–
Through the intercession of St Blaise, Bishop and Martyr, may God deliver you from all disease of the throat, and from every illness.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit

Most people responded–Amen.
Yes, My husband and I both did, right after we had our marriage blessed. I think we’re going to make it a yearly tradition.
I did take some St.Braz cough drops. Does that count? 😃 God Bless
I hope the Holy Father had his throat blessed – it was throat trouble that landed him in the hospital this time!
Yes, I had my throat blessed today. Father instructed to form two lines at each side of the isle and the blessing took about 20 minutes. During the homily Father explained that the blessing is not only for ailments of the throat, but also to keep from sinning by using the mouth, like profanity, gossiping, and other such things.
I didn’t know this. I could have used the blessing myself in that case. I will know for next year. Thanks for the information. 🙂
I thought it was done at this coming Sunday’s Mass. Nothing was said about it last Sunday at Mass. Last year St. Blaise Day was on a Tuesday and it was done on a Sunday Mass. I hope they do it this Sunday. I need it.
Today (Feb, 3) was the feast of St. Blaise. Did you (or are you going to) have your throat blessed?

I did, but it was more accidental than planned.
I did and could sure use it since I am a customer service representative at a call center getting inbound phone calls. In other words, I earn my paycheck with my voice so my throat could use all the help it can get 👍
I went to the morning mass that day, and we all went up one at a time after the Homily and individually were blessed with the two candles crossed at our throats.
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