I’m not vegan. I mentioned that I eat organic beef. I take omega 3s and flaxseed oil. I eat eggs, beans and organic dairy. I don’t have a high fat OR low fat diet. I don’t eat soy, either, since you mentioned it. I switched from Smart Balance back to regular (organic) butter. I have a very healthy HDL. (Also, just as something to consider, I remember you posting about your daughter being a big-time night nurser? So that might have something to do with her dental issues. Several acquaintances of mine have had similar issues with their long-term night nurslings, requiring a lot of surgeries for dental work.)You know, it’s very common for people who persist in low-fat diets to get to a point where they really can’t tolerate much fat. Yet you need fat in your diet to absorb all those fat-soluble vitamins. Did you say you are pregnant now or that you were before? It’s especially important to have good fats in your diet if you are pregnant. A vegan diet is unnatural for humans and extremely unhealthy. I was a vegetarian for a good while–never totally vegan, but I believed that I should be—just couldn’t give up cheese. I lost a lot of weight and thought I was healthier, but I wasn’t really. And the truth came out in my daughter. I gave up meat right around the time she was teething, and as a result nearly all of her top teeth are decayed and there were about four that had half the enamel missing. She has had so much dental work done already and she is only three. Now that she is drinking lots of whole milk and taking cod liver oil, the color is back in her cheeks. She used to be really pale. I hope you aren’t consuming a lot of soy. Soy is extremely bad for you. You really should consider slowly adding more animal fats back into your diet. You need them more than you know. If you can’t tolerate a lot of meat, use butter as liberally as you can stand it. Get some coconut oil into your diet. Make your own stock and make soups from it. Here is a great reference:
Thanks to everyone for the suggestions. I am still thinking about what the best thing to do is. DH and I spoke about how our kitchen, in some ways, contributes to the problem. There is very little cooking or storing space. We’re stuck here for one more year and then meal-making will be ridiculously easier. We talked about how much better it would be if I could make larger quantities and have the storage space for freezing them. Then I’d always have a homemade, healthy alternative available depending on the meal I make that evening.
We do have a George Foreman grill. I’ve never…actually used it.

Also, yes, I’ve tried ground poultry. Same results. A long-time friend pointed out to me that I’ve never been a major meat fan anyway. My dad was the type who insisted on steak twice a week. Most dinners were meat, potato, vegetables. Summers were spent eating a non-stop parade of grilled hamburgers, chicken and hot dogs. (Ew.) Items like eggplant or tofu or even lentils and beans were just simply NEVER served in our household. So, I’ve had to teach myself a little bit about alternatives to meat and I’m still taking baby steps. I’m just not going to force myself to eat something anymore that I never really ‘loved’ to begin with and now my body simply doesn’t tolerate.
Maybe I’ll start a new thread for protein-rich, healthy meatless dinners.
I do wish I could change my taste preferences. It would be a lot easier to simply eat a chicken breast and call it a great dinner.

(Btw, apricot yogurt–I laughed out loud at your pregnancy-fueled ‘burger’ fantasy.