There are a few minor differences in ceremonial, but nothing that the average person in the pew would notice.
THe theotokion differs most notably of the variations. This is a hymn to the Mother of God. My Russian Orthodox friends notice it immediately on a casual look-through of the Old pewbook.
The variations are subtle, and involve multiple translations. The Greek original is the basis for most of the translations, and the Old Church Slavonic the basis for a large minority. But the OCS Translation is from the Greek, so the OCS translations are all 2 removes or more from the Greek original.Another, fairly obvious difference in the various useages is “Essence” versus “Substance” in several hymns about the trinity. “For one and for Many” versus “For one and for All” is another hot-button. The most notable translation “issue” is the neutralizing of many of the inclusive expressions, eg: “Borthers and Sisters” instead of “Brethren” as the salutation for the epistles.
Also, several responses, litanies and hymns may be trebled (sung three times instead of once), and some parishes do so, while others do not. Likewise, some parishes will repeat certain hymns (like the Cherubikon) as many times as needed to fill the time, while other sing it once or thrice, and then wait for the priest… Another variation is the use of multiple languages of response… for example, English, then Spanish, then Slavonic…
Further, some blend matins into the DL, while others keep a short break between.
Only a few traditions allow an evening vigil divine liturgy as a generality; it is allowed on certain feasts in most jurisdictions, since those feasts have had the Vigil Divine Liturgy for many centuries.
So, yes, lots of little variations that may be noticeable to those familiar with one expression of it…