
The priests in most eastern rites are allowed to marry. This is a discipline that is up to the bishops of the eastern rite. This does not make the traditions of the west any worse or less. The east is allowed to self govern.So, are the priests in the eastern rite allowed to marry or not?
If some one want’s to become catholic. How do they know what rite they should believe in or is it all the same as far as the Catholic Church is concerned?
Before I ask this question I feel that I should let you kno that I am NOT being sarcastic.
I have always been taught that there has to be one true church. If the catholic Church is the one true church why does it accept so many branches that believe differently. As an LDS we are taught that we are the only true church of God…that he restored the gospel on this earth…There are many other religions that claim to be Momon but they are not accepted by the LDS church. Is that the case with all of these “rites” or are they truly accepted by the catholics.
again I am not being sarcastic. So please don’t take it that way I really want to know.
The eastern Catholic Church and the western Catholic Church are the same church. If you would decide one day to become Catholic, you could join any right you want. They are all regarded equally and they all profess the same faith.
All these rites are accepted by the Catholic Church. They are all part of the same body and they all believe the same thing. There is one faith, one church. When there is a meeting of the bishops of the Catholic Church as a whole, there are bishops of all different rites and if they vote on something, they all vote.