Diocesan Ministerium - a new term in your diocese?

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“Diocesan Ministerium.” Yet another euphemism for laicizing the clergy and clericalizing the laity.
barnestormer said:
“Diocesan Ministerium.” Yet another euphemism for laicizing the clergy and clericalizing the laity.


If you read the article closely you will understand that everyone else in the pews gets to bring a ‘dish to pass’ to any or all potluck suppers. :dancing:
What happened to volunteerism?
Can the Church really afford$$$$$ the increased payroll? How much money$$$$$$$$$$ do these all folks get collectively? How long will it be before another day another measly :twocents: is the only motivation that gets them out of bed and to work (drats)??

Do you understand what the Diocesan Ministerium is? Who are these people? What are their credentials? If you aren’t a member of the Diocesan Ministerium then what are you? :hmmm:
Sorry your link did not work for me and I have not heard the term before your post.
I just tried the link…it seems to be working OK for me.
Try it again.
I really can’t publish a portion of this without losing the full meaning of diocesan ministerium. It is seems to be a step above volunteers & lay ministry.

It is best describe as barnestormer put it.
“Diocesan Ministerium.” Yet another euphemism for laicizing the clergy and clericalizing the laity.
My sister lives in that diocese. And at mass the priest reads the gospel then a nun gets up and gives the homily. When she complained to the diocese she was given a nice letter explaining that these peole all had theology training and they were lay ecclesial ministers. (This term is only now being kicked around by the bishops council).
Bishop Clark has also not ordained any deacons as he believes that women should be ordained deacons and priests. My sister wrote to Rome and we are waiting to hear from them. But this is typical Rochester Diocese stuff.
Is the term Diocesan Ministerium a new term in your diocese? Read this speech by Bishop Matthew Clark of Rochester Diocese.

Do you have thoughts on this and how it may be changing your diocese?
QUOTE=tunemiester]My sister lives in that diocese. And at mass the priest reads the gospel then a nun gets up and gives the homily. When she complained to the diocese she was given a nice letter explaining that these peole all had theology training and they were lay ecclesial ministers. (This term is only now being kicked around by the bishops council).
This part is easy to believe. There are nuns, ex-nuns and various women who give homilies. These women are protected in a union like fashion under the term diocesan ministerium or the new AFL-CIO of the Church.
Bishop Clark has also not ordained any deacons as he believes that women should be ordained deacons and priests. My sister wrote to Rome and we are waiting to hear from them. But this is typical Rochester Diocese stuff.
This I know is false. I know Bishop Clark ordains deacons. I can’t say how he feels about female deacons. I don’t believe he has made a public statement on this.
Can the LEM (lay ecclesiastical minister) be a woman and give a Homily or are they really giving a “Reflection”. I’m confused!!
Can the LEM (lay ecclesiastical minister) be a woman and give a Homily or are they really giving a “Reflection”. I’m confused!!
I am confused too. LEM are supposed to give reflections in the absence of a priest only…I think. These female LEM give what sound like Homilies while the priest is readily available.

Where are the outlines for reflections written? Nowhere. Who can really say what a really ‘reflection’ is? How is it different from a Homily.

This isn’t what the thread is about but they are good questions. The point is the diocesan ministerium seems like a work labor union outline to protect these reflectionist and other laborers who would otherwise be simply called volunteers 20 or 30 years ago.

Church employees will be carrying diocesan ministerium cards in their wallets in lieu of union cards.
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