Auto translation of blog article:
Coronavirus. In Bergamo the Curia forbids the ringing of bells: they could “infect” the faithful of the holy desire to get back the celebrations of the Holy Masses!
We learn with disappointment that because of the notorious coronavirus the Diocese of Bergamo (but also other dioceses) has banned the ringing of bells especially in funerals *** as** there is unfortunately no public liturgical celebrations.Are they crazy?
The city of Bergamo is also very famous for its splendid bell concerts: people are proud and happy
their bells that cheer the Upper Town; the Lower City and the peripheral parishes!
Try doing a search on Youtube by writing " Bergamo bells "! You will be delighted!
Regarding the incomprehensible curial refusal to ring the bells in the city and in the Diocese of Bergamo, above all in the funeral, a faithful wrote on a social :
" The bells certainly do not transmit the virus! It would have been nice instead of the bells to ring, thus attracting the attention of the community when the priest celebrates Holy Mass behind closed doors. Just as Christians we will not feel alone but in union with the priest who celebrates.
Not only! It is proven that the sound of the bells (a sacramental) is also an experienced anti-depressant as well as a source of physical well-being: " bells the" voice of God "are good for the mental and physical health of man and woman ". ( Read the informative note below )
What sadness not being able to ring our beloved bells, for the funeral also to ideally accompany the deceased to the Camposanto.
Hearing the bells ring, as is our custom for funerals, the recitation of a Requiem for the deceased is spontaneous.
We have a worried and confused community, the bells would not solve the coronavirus problem, but would help us to feel less alone.
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