I IanM Guest Feb 11, 2020 #1 Diocese pressures parish to cancel talk by man who threw Pachamama in Tiber - LifeSite
K KMC Guest Feb 11, 2020 #2 Hmmm…one would think the near veneration of the Pachamama statue would be unsettling to the faithful…not the tossing of it into the Tiber
Hmmm…one would think the near veneration of the Pachamama statue would be unsettling to the faithful…not the tossing of it into the Tiber
P puer.dei Guest Feb 11, 2020 #3 I wouldn’t want a thief speaking in my church, either, unless it was to tell his story of repentance and conversion.
I wouldn’t want a thief speaking in my church, either, unless it was to tell his story of repentance and conversion.