I know this thread is a little old, but I do feel that it is important to point out that incardination is highly irregular for (at least) the Vincentians; they take vows of Poverty, Chastity, Obedience, **and **Stability, which means that they vow to live their entire lives within the Congregation.As far as incardination, that is fairly common. I don’t know the details of how that all works, but in recent years, a few priests I know have left the Legionaires of Christ and been incardinated (or are working on being incardinated) into a diocese. One is Fr. Jonathan Morris (who is on Fox News frequently), who has been incardinated into the Archdiocese of New York. There is also a priest from the LC who is in the process of being incardinated into my diocese. I also know of personally a few former Jesuits who left the order and have been incardinated into a diocese, such as Austin, and I am familiar with at least two Vincentians (now deceased) who were incardinated into the Dallas Diocese.
Hello Father. Brisbane has a very close relationship with the Church in Nigeria. Our seminary likely has more Nigerians than Australian! Brisbane would be honoured to have you as a priest, I’m sure. Bishop Lucius Ugorji of the Umuahia Diocese has a deep friendship with the Archbishop. I would beg of you, get into contact with him and request a rotation to Brisbane. Pax Christi!Greetings in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
I am a young Religious Catholic Priest from Nigeria who has been in priestly ministry for 5 years. I am interested and concerned about the growing and increasing need of priests in many parts of the globe while here in my country, we have many priests at our disposal to the extent that, 2 priest can be in one-station parish. Actually, I wish to serve the other parts of the world, specifically those areas that are in dire need of ministers like me. As I read this trend about the shortage of priests in other dioceses, I began to entertain the idea of serving those areas, as my priesthood is universal in the catholic world. However with the approval of my Local Superior, I’m available for any diocese or parish that may need my help in those areas that really in need of priests. Contact me.
May I ask which order you belong to? Most orders hve a presence in Australia, perhaps contact with them might be advisable.Thanks Water of Life for the information. As a religious Priest its my Local superior who can approve of such and frankly his worried about the same situation and has approved my desire to go out to help out to those churches in need of priests…if you have any contact to your diocese or chancery, forward it to my private inbox. Thanks