I guess you could say it’s still on topic, as being part of my discernment. I like that word too, but I like to also say that it’s always ongoing. It’s not a place I get to, and then stop. There’s always more to learn Of and From Him =)
But I’ll also say that it’s because I like to try and keep the Whole Book in mind. Our Father has Many names, and just calling Him “God” all the time is a little too generic for me. Lots of people say they “believe in god”, but they’re not very specific about Which “god”. And while I try not to judge, I myself have gotten off track at times, “worshiping” something else in the sense of becoming too focused on material things, or even people, for example, and while I have, for the most part, “kept god in mind”… sometimes it was more to the back of my mind, than the front
Yahweh also means “he who causes to exist”. YHWH, the God described in Genesis, then revealed as Yahweh in Exodus. I was poking around in a few online bibles, and most of the ones I found went back and changed it to “God” in the earlier books, and use “Lord” in the later ones, but to me Lord is a Title. Yahweh is a Name.
Yahweh is much more personal. He is my best friend and master, but I don’t need to say the title all the time, to remember that. So I like to say it that way, because it reminds me of who I’m talking to, or about. =)
There’s a Lot of resources online that you can find that can give a more complete description than I can here. Elohim is another good name with important meaning as well.
But I think the most Specific reason I call Them that, is because that’s the name they “tackled” me with. I could say “revealed” but that’s too gentle a word to describe those events that it took to get through to me… And I don’t want to talk about those here
I used the plural pronouns, because going back to Genesis, they are described as a plurality, and we as Catholics know Him as Father, Son and Holy Spirit =)
I love my God <3