Yes, please do get a spiritual director. Make a list of your faults, and start working on one, particularly the worst. If the SD recommends the Spiritual Exercises, then do so, but I’d rather it be done out of obedience.
How recent was the breakup? You’ll need to be practicing celibacy of heart, mind, and soul before doing anything else. You can’t give away that which you don’t have, namely God. You may need a few years between this and the ex for you to be taken seriously by the convents.
If you’ve truly met the right guy, nothing would be permitted to come between the two of you. He would have become your world; best friend; and reason for being. I’ve been married 33 years Oct 13, so I do know where I’m coming from on this.
I’m also in the process of founding a new secular institute with contemplative branch. My ministry of promoting vocations, particularly the cloisters, and vocation facilitation just passed its 35th anniversary.
Go off your first impression, as per St Therese the Little Flower. Are you drawn to active or contemplative? Look locally first. Then discern “contiguously” - the Dioceses surrounding yours. I don’t know how many people have told me that they found their vocation in the Diocese next door.
This is probably more than enough to get you started.