Discussion of Most Holy Family Monastery

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I don't know if we can give links here, but if you do a Search for MHFM and/or Peter Dimond, you will find some interesting information and theories on what is going on in the catholic Church (or not going on...).

In one video at the website they talk about the assassination attempt against Trump and one person, a former US sniper, says that there was no way that attempt was not planned.

41% of Americans believe the same thing according to a Fox News poll.
I really don't recommend making links to Most Holy Family Monastery here. True, some of their information may be okay, but they are deeply divided from the Church, and are very much off in their own little orbit.

I'd recommend other reading habits.
Disobedient and ego-driven. They divide rather than unite. AVOID.
Being Christian does not mean leading everyone to "your" truth. It means submission to those God has placed over you - in all things except sin.
Disobedient and ego-driven. They divide rather than unite. AVOID.
Being Christian does not mean leading everyone to "your" truth. It means submission to those God has placed over you - in all things except sin.

One thing I would add, their material is generally very attractive in terms of presentation, and quite well-done. One or more of the "brothers" would have to have some editing and layout training, either that, or has learned it on their own. It is far from being some kind of amateurish, ham-handed efforts done in one's basement. Their source of funding (and I'd think it'd take quite a bit of money to keep something like that going, and to distribute everything they do) is unclear. Maybe somebody inherited a ton of money. Hard to say.

This makes it all the more dangerous, in that they mix error with truth, and it's sometimes hard to tell where one leaves off and the other begins. Again, I'd recommend other reading habits.
Off-topic. As to "new member requests" is it possible to add a Captcha or a click-n-slide to the registration page?
I really don't recommend making links to Most Holy Family Monastery here. True, some of their information may be okay, but they are deeply divided from the Church, and are very much off in their own little orbit.

I'd recommend other reading habits.
I am learning a lot. the only thing I had a little difficulty with so far is P Dimond on JP II, although I don't disagree. It's more that his take on JP II is incomplete. He says JP II basically made man Christ.. In other words, he said that all men are Christ, and that is obviously false. If he had said all Christian persons are Christ, that is Catholic (Mt 25:31). Where P Dimond is incomplete is mentioning that Jesus DID say in that psg that Whatever one does to the least of His people, one does to HIM, so again, Catholic people (and others who are seeking Christ?) are alter Christis. I just think he should have mentioned that in the video I watched, but so far he hasn't. So that's the only thing, and it's not really a big thing.. compared the big thing that is

Disobedient and ego-driven. They divide rather than unite. AVOID.
Being Christian does not mean leading everyone to "your" truth. It means submission to those God has placed over you - in all things except sin.
I usually agree w/ you but not on this. The Church was overtaken by its enemies over 60 years ago. I have been studying these historical matters for many years. I have learned so much, I don't even know where to begin in this post to.. argue w/ you. But so far, with all my studies.. of Lefebvre and Vatican II and etc etc.. Peter Dimond is the one who makes the most sense as to what happened and is happening.
One thing I would add, their material is generally very attractive in terms of presentation, and quite well-done. One or more of the "brothers" would have to have some editing and layout training, either that, or has learned it on their own. It is far from being some kind of amateurish, ham-handed efforts done in one's basement. Their source of funding (and I'd think it'd take quite a bit of money to keep something like that going, and to distribute everything they do) is unclear. Maybe somebody inherited a ton of money. Hard to say.

This makes it all the more dangerous, in that they mix error with truth, and it's sometimes hard to tell where one leaves off and the other begins. Again, I'd recommend other reading habits.
Are you saying clergy in the post Vatican II era do not mix truth with error??????????!!!!!!!!!!

I had a priest say once in a homily that it doesn't matter if you are Catholic or not. I'm not sure if he meant to include Buddhists or what.. I think he may have meant it didn't matter if you were Baptist or Catholic. Either way, that is HERESY
Are you saying I shouldn't be allowed to post here?

How open minded
Not in the least. The question pertained to having some kind of "prove you're human" test, to screen out automated users who try to invade forums so that they can post advertising and the like, totally unrelated to the forum's purpose. Captcha usually produces a series of random numbers, stylized or mutilated in such a fashion that you have to stop and think what they are, and then asks the prospective user to input them in a field. For instance, you would get this:


and then input "C89ret3" into a box below, as pictured.

This suggestion had nothing to do with you. You're a valued commentator (at least as far as I'm concerned), even if I might not agree with you on everything.
Are you saying clergy in the post Vatican II era do not mix truth with error??????????!!!!!!!!!!

I had a priest say once in a homily that it doesn't matter if you are Catholic or not. I'm not sure if he meant to include Buddhists or what.. I think he may have meant it didn't matter if you were Baptist or Catholic. Either way, that is HERESY
Of course not. They do it all the time. That's why we always need to be on our guard, and weigh whatever we are told, against traditional Catholic teaching and practice.

Once again, I would urge extreme caution with MHFM and the Dimonds. I'll just put it this way, I never quote them on any of the boards where I post, nor on the other forum (Catholic Common Sense) where I also moderate.
I usually agree w/ you but not on this. The Church was overtaken by its enemies over 60 years ago. I have been studying these historical matters for many years. I have learned so much, I don't even know where to begin in this post to.. argue w/ you. But so far, with all my studies.. of Lefebvre and Vatican II and etc etc.. Peter Dimond is the one who makes the most sense as to what happened and is happening.
Is Jesus a liar?
Not in the least. The question pertained to having some kind of "prove you're human" test, to screen out automated users who try to invade forums so that they can post advertising and the like, totally unrelated to the forum's purpose. Captcha usually produces a series of random numbers, stylized or mutilated in such a fashion that you have to stop and think what they are, and then asks the prospective user to input them in a field. For instance, you would get this:

View attachment 242013

and then input "C89ret3" into a box below, as pictured.

This suggestion had nothing to do with you. You're a valued commentator (at least as far as I'm concerned), even if I might not agree with you on everything.
Well, I have to say I answered your post while in a hurry and didn't think until a few minutes afterwards that Captcha just means to prove human-ness. Thanks for explaining, though I already knew what Captcha is.. just wasn't thinking.. It happens. I have PTSD, largely due to being persecuted for following Jesus.. (being Catholic, being trad Catholic). You get very suspicious when you have PTSD, always thinking that smeone else is going to persecute you or be unfair, etc..
I do not take everything the Dimonds say as absolute truth, although P Dimond quotes many Church documents in ancient history. However, I have had my own thoughts about the end times long b4 discovering MHFM, learning about the Beast, etc. Francis alone is enough to make Catholics wonder...
Also, as stated, I've studied modern history of the Church and have read a lot of books about what happend RE the Lateran Treaty which made the Vatican a city-state in 1929. Then there was the establishment of the Vatican Bank, which has had many scandals. I've read books on Lefebvre and his disagreements with the NO "branch" of the Church, etc. Dimond is NOT saying (I'm most familiar w/ Peter D.. not so much the other one) that the Catholic Chuch was taken over by her enemies. No, he speaks of the Vatican alone being taken over, and according to my best info, this is a known fact. I do not question that at all, and did not get that info from the Dimonds. Other Catholic Churches did not follow in the corruption. Well, some probably did and obviously, the NO innovations trickled down-- hence the priest I mentioned who preached that it doesn't matter.. .I think he said it doesn't matter which Christian Church you go to. Howe ver, obviously, theCatholic Church is either the Church Christ founded or it is not. I know that it is.
This thread is now locked. Further discussion of Most Holy Family Monastery (which has no canonical status and is unauthorized) is not suitable for this forum.
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