Quote: Are you familiar with the example of the Queen Mother in the Old Testament, beginning with Bethsheba? The Queen was not the wife of the King (because at that time they had several wives), but was the Mother of the King. She was the intercessor for the poor, lost, lonely, etc. Mary carries on the tradition of being the Queen Mother.
Check out Jer 29.2,“This was after King Jeconiah and the queen mother, the eunuchs, the princes of Judah and Jerusalem, the craftsmen and the smiths had departed from Jerusalem”. Compare this verse to John 2.12, “After this he (Jesus) went down to Capernaum with his mother and his brethren and his disciples; and there they stayed for a few days”. King Jeconiah, like Jesus, is a son of David ,Matt 1.11. I think these verses point to Mary’s role as queen in the Kingdom of God ,and what is the first thing Christ tells us to do? Seek first a personal relationship with your Lord? No. He says “But seek first the kingdom [of God] and His righteousness and all these things will be given you besides”. Matt 6.33. We all know who Jesus gave the keys of this kingdom to. Matt 16.19.
The role of the queen mother is intercession, 1 Kings 2.17,18," He said, ‘Please ask King Solomon , who will not refuse you, to give Abishag the Shumamite for my wife’. ‘Very well’, replied Bathsheba, ‘I will speak to the King for you’. Sounds like an Old testament version of the “Hail Mary” to me. Compare these verses to the intercession by Mary on behalf of the servers at the wedding at Cana, John 2.3,4. "When the wine ran short, the mother of Jesus said to Him, 'They have no wine. [And] Jesus said to her, ‘Woman, how does your concern affect me? My hour has not yet come’. Although Solomon said he would do his mother’s will, 1 Kings 2,20, he did not, 1 Kings 2,24. While Jesus seemd reluctant to do His mothers will, John 2.4. He did, John 2.5-11. This reminds me of the parable of the two sons in Matthew chapter 21. Who did his father’s will? The son who said he wouldn’t and did, or the one who said he would and didn’t?
Obviously, the son who did his mother’s will is greater than the son who didn’t do his mother’s will. Matt 12.42.
It’s important to know the verses that establish Mary as the ark of the new covenant. Most of us know the parallels between 2 Samuel and the Gospel according to Luke.
2 Samuel 6 Luke 1
V.2 > V.39
V.9 > V.43
V.10 > V.40
V.11 > V.56
V12 > V…47
V.15 > V.42
V.16 > V.41
Now read Joshua chapter 7 beginning at verse 6. Joshua and the elders prostrate themselves in front of the ark, which is a graven image, and pray to God. I think this points to Matthew 2.11 “and on entering the house they saw the child with Mary his mother. They prostrated themselves and did him homage. Then they opened their treasures and offered him gifts of gold, frankinscence, and myrrh.”
Joshua and the elders prostrate themselves in front of the ark and worship God. The Magi prostrate themselves in front of Mary, and worship Jesus. I think this is another allusion to Mary as the new ark, but more importantly it points to Jesus as God. Of course Mary always points to Jesus
Why did King David want to build a temple to the Lord? The reason was his concern for th ark. 2 Sam 7.2 "he said to Nathan the prophet, ‘Here I am living in a house of cedar, while the ark of God dwells in a tent’. When Solomon dedicated the temple, 1 Kings 8, the priests placed the ark in it’s sanctuary, verse 6. At the time of the Babylonian exile, the ark was lost, 2 Macc. 2. 5,6.
The temple was destroyed long ago, but it was rebuilt in three days. I think God Himself restored the ark to His temple when Jesus gave us His mother at the cross, John 19. 26,27. The Catholic Church is the temple of God, 1 Cor 3.16 and we as members of the Church are temples of God 1 Cor 6,19. All christians are temples of God by virtue of their baptism. As temples of God, We are all called to have a place for the ark, which is Mary.