Disney Producer Jack Morrissey Apologizes for ‘#MAGAkids into the Woodchipper’ Fantasy

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This thread is not meant to be about the maligned Covington students. (That has been addressed elsewhere.)

This thread is an illustration of WHO doesn’t get banned from Twitter
illustrating again the “selective enforcement”
of some poorly defined “community standards”
that will have a million and one excuses for this not being a “violation” (when everybody knows it is).

So much for Twitter’s unbiased . . . “Community Standards” enforcement.


Disney Producer Jack Morrissey Apologizes for ‘#MAGAkids into the Woodchipper’ Fantasy​

Twitter, Walt Disney Pictures

22 Jan 2019 Breitbart News

Film producer Jack Morrissey apologized on Monday for a social media post envisioning the bloody outcome of Covington Catholic High School students being put into a woodchipper.​

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin captured and shared Morrissey’s since-deleted tweet, which draws on a scene from the 1996 film Fargo in which a character’s corpse is fed through a woodchipper: . . .

. . . Morrissey joined a myriad of “verified” Twitter profiles in his response to the narrative of “racist” high school students harassing a Native American. He has since locked his Twitter profile and prevented non-approved followers from viewing his posts. . . .

WARNING: Do not go to the link if your sensibilities are offended by violent pictures.

(I realized even the link photo, would have been inappropriate here after putting it up.

Naturally I edited my post above to rid the violent image.

Which in a sense drives home my point about how these guys are NOT banned from Twitter despite egregious violations of just about anyone’s “community standards”.

This “children’s writer, producer, or whatever”, fantasizes about putting the children in there, MAGA Hat first. Absolutely sick mind.

Remember these guys when you are thinking about taking your kids or grandkids to a movie.)

If you DO want to see what Twitter did NOT ban the guy for . . . proceed.

Producer Jack Morrissey Sorry for '#MAGAkids Woodchipper' Fantasy
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