Disrespectful behaviour in St. Peter’s basilica

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Hi, someone I know recently went to the Vatican and filmed himself inside being rude about religion/the Church in general .(basically it’s all made up etc etc How does God react to those sort of things ? There is no way to convince him what he has done is wrong as he’s an atheist. It was done very quietly on a camera phone
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There is no way to convince him what he has done is wrong as he’s an atheist.
When you’re a guest at someone’s house, you don’t walk up to the man of the house and start talking about how his wife is a big dumb floozy and his kids are snot-nosed gutter snipes.

I remember hearing once that Winston Churchill’s wife was on a boat with fellow wives of government figures, one of whom was critical of her husband. They were all listening to Churchill (who was not present at this gathering) speaking on the radio when this lady criticized Churchill in front of his wife’s face. When neither the host nor the guest offered an apology, she immediately left to gather her things and leave. She would not stand to be in such company, and that lady ended up trying to plead for her to stay.
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God is unchanging and does not react. He still loves your friend and wants him to repent. If by “react” you mean “judge”, God will judge your friend at the end of their life, and their understanding of what they have done will impact their culpability.
St. Peter’s Basilica, God, and the Catholic Church aren’t harmed by this person basically demonstrating to the world at large that he’s a disrespectful, unmannerly boor. Speaks volumes about him, though. I’d say the same thing if he pulled that stunt in a Muslim mosque or a Jewish synagogue.

I’d tell him that while he is welcome to his personal opinions, his actions were disrespectful to you, your faith, and your church’s holy place, and then I’d cut him off and never speak to him again because I don’t need people like that in my life.
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Hi, someone I know recently went to the Vatican and filmed himself inside being rude about religion/the Church in general .(basically it’s all made up etc etc How does God react to those sort of things ? There is no way to convince him what he has done is wrong as he’s an atheist. It was done very quietly on a camera phone
How very disrespectful of him. Such people, unless they are family members (in which case you’re stuck with them), are the kind that I have little time for.

I’ve no time for people who abuse such a privilege. And being allowed access to the largest church in the world is a great privilege.
I’d tell him that while he is welcome to his personal opinions, his actions were disrespectful to you, your faith, and your church’s holy place, and then I’d cut him off and never speak to him again because I don’t need people like that in my life.
That’s a good idea.
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I understand that, but I would say that as he is privileged enough to be in the Church, he should not be abusing his right - if the security guards had known what he was doing, he may have been swiftly removed.
God reacts by being patient, as He knows what that person is made of. He also knows that the person is not a ‘finished product’ spiritually and that He will send faithful Christians to minister to this skeptical and cynical soul.
In any event, he was in the presence of God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and that alone is a blessing - realized or not. I used to get my undergarments in a bunch because others were not as spiritually “advanced” as I was. Then, the Holy Spirit convicted me of guilt, as I had verbally persecuted Christians in my past, yet was not burning in hell.

He is, most of all, patient with us.
He will still face judgement, atheist or not…may he repent, and may God be merciful.
Brings to mind the children’s song:

Jesus loves me when I’m bad, tho it makes Him very sad.
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