<<I fail to see how these people can call themselves Catholic, present themselves to communion, and say they practice ABC, go to mass whenever they “feel” like it, and they pick and choose which teachings to abide by.>>
There is so much more to Catholic required belief than is implied or stated in the Nicene Creed.
Is it time to amend the Creed? After all, there is not much liturgical difference between Lutherans, Catholics & Episcopalians, but seemingly huge differences in beliefs 'beyond Credo."
<<I fail to see how these people can call themselves Catholic, present themselves to communion, and say they practice ABC, go to mass whenever they “feel” like it, and they pick and choose which teachings to abide by.>>
There is so much more to Catholic required belief than is implied or stated in the Nicene Creed.
Is it time to amend the Creed? After all, there is not much liturgical difference between Lutherans, Catholics & Episcopalians, but seemingly huge differences in beliefs 'beyond Credo."