My friend and I are worried about a dear friend of ours. Our friend has a “muse” that she named “Kresten”. When you first hear about him, you think he’s just a harmless, imaginary friend that a young girl made up just for fun. When you learn more about him, though, you find out that he’s really harming her. He’s convinced her that God is a parasite and to hate God because of the things that “He’s one to me”. One night when she was talking to me about him, I said in a joking manner “Maybe you should kill him off” because I still believed that he was just a character she made up. She responded with “Oh… that made him angry.” She has never been a very religious person but I told her that she need help (probably not the best thing in the world to say to someone) and that maybe she should talk to a priest. After I said that, she went into convulsions and started shaking back and forth saying “Kresten is angry.” She finally started harming herself when her ex-boyfriend broke up with her to get back at him and was sent to a psychiatric hospital. She’s now taken anti-halucinagins, and he stops talking to her when she takes them. She still considers herself to be “one with Kresten” meaning that they are the same person. She won’t get rid of him, and she still thinks he helps her. We don’t know what he is. We don’t know if he’s a demon or if it really is just a mental problem, but either way, she needs to forget about him and go back to a normal life. Any ideas? ;-;