Disturbing Website

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I was surfing the net earlier and came across this website that says catholics will go to hell… It says the bible teaches that Jesus’s suffering and death satisfied the sins of mankind in God’s eyes, and that the catholic church teaches otherwise, which will send catholics to hell for missinterpretting the scriptures.

All sins are forgiven at the point of salvation-past, present, and future-because Christ’s death satisfied all God’s wrath against sin. (See Colossians 2:13.)

Is that really written in the bible and if it is why does the catholic church teach otherwise?

I don’t know why this is bugging me so much, but I have been having doubts lately and any mention of hell sends chills up my spine.
That is NOT what Col 2:13 says. Where did they get THAT?

"When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having cancelled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross.|

The statement you presented is NOTHING like Col 2:13

Catholics DO believe that Christ saves us. I think you ran into your typical ignorant anti-Catholic.

My friend, get yourself “The Salvation Controversy.” Great little read.

The Catholic Church is Christ’s Church. Fear not.

Follow the Lord.

God Bless
I was surfing the net earlier and came across this website that says catholics will go to hell… It says the bible teaches that Jesus’s suffering and death satisfied the sins of mankind in God’s eyes, and that the catholic church teaches otherwise, which will send catholics to hell for missinterpretting the scriptures.

All sins are forgiven at the point of salvation-past, present, and future-because Christ’s death satisfied all God’s wrath against sin. (See Colossians 2:13.)

Is that really written in the bible and if it is why does the catholic church teach otherwise?

I don’t know why this is bugging me so much, but I have been having doubts lately and any mention of hell sends chills up my spine.
No, the bible does not say that. If you read Matt. 25 and James 2 you will see that they are quite wrong with there interpretation.

Plus, if all of Gods wrath has been satisfied and all our sins are forgiven, then we are forgiven if we have misinterpreted the bible. The heathens are forgiven. Infact, even the worst anti-Christ ever would be forgiven and they would be allowed into heaven. In fact God could not send one person to hell because his wrath has already been satisfied, so if we were sent to hell under these circumstances then that would be unjust and it would go against God. This is impossible since God is perfectly just and perfectly mercyfull.
In the words of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, (And in big friendly letters), DON’T PANIC! 😃

Here’s most of the context of that verse that they use as a proof text:

"6 **As therefore you have received Jesus Christ the Lord, walk ye in him; **7 Rooted and built up in him, and confirmed in the faith, as also you have learned, abounding in him in thanksgiving. 8 Beware lest any man cheat you by philosophy, and vain deceit; according to the tradition of men, according to the elements of the world, and not according to Christ: 9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead corporeally; 10 And you are filled in him, who is the head of all principality and power:

11 In whom also you are circumcised with circumcision not made by hand, in despoiling of the body of the flesh, but in the circumcision of Christ: 12 Buried with him in baptism, in whom also you are risen again by the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him up from the dead. 13 And you, when you were dead in your sins, and the uncircumcision of your flesh; he hath quickened together with him, forgiving you all offences: 14 Blotting out the handwriting of the decree that was against us, which was contrary to us. And he hath taken the same out of the way, fastening it to the cross: 15 And despoiling the principalities and powers, he hath exposed them confidently in open shew, triumphing over them in himself. "

This passage is really about doing exactly what we have always been taught by the Catholic Church and that is to “walk the walk” and doing the things that demonstrate our faith by our love in action. (Charity)

Lemme also suggest that you take a really careful look at this article over on the CA ma(name removed by moderator)age library. What you’ve found is an anti-Catholic webpage and they’ll feed you all kindsa verses to back up their propaganda, but I can assure you that I personally have dug into all these kinds of claims and found that they are wrong and that our most holy faith is indeed the real live New Testament Christianity.

Check this out. okay…and PM me if ya have more problems and questions and doubts. remember too that doubt is NOT sin…

Keep the faith buddy…
Pax vobiscum,
It sounds like more anti-Catholic trash to me. I see Church Militant posted so he probably said something similar, but gave a fuller explaination than me :o
Just by looking at the URL, I guess they forgot the part in the Bible where it said not to judge…I guess they pick and choose what they want to believe, and now for some reason they believe they are God and will place judgement upon Catholics…yeah right…just the same old anti-Catholic rhetoric that has been around for years…also, what translation was that scripture from in the original post? The ACSRV (Anti-Catholic Standard Revised Version)???
Sorry, I forgot to post the link

They don’t appear to know the difference between “your” (a possessive) and you’re (a contraction of the noun “you” and the verb “are”) in their URL. This is a difference that an 8th grader is expected to know according to his/ her state and local teaching standards for English grammar. If they’re that ignorant of standard 8th grade English, they’re probably equally ignorant of standard 8th grade ANYTHING, including the subject of religion. Or, to put it in language they’ll understand, their ignorant, or there ignorant.

That website is laughable!!!

If he feels so confident that the words of Scripture back up his beliefs then why doesn’t he just quote the actually verse instead of giving you a verse and then his own interpretation of it minus the actual Scripture?

He relies totally on deception, and that is why he doesn’t give the Scripture. This fact is reason enough to consider him anathema!
This website is composed of evil java applets that, after fully “loading” (15 minutes or so later – on broadband) fail to do anything.

The spelling errors alone should indicate that something is awry.

Grammar: unspeakable.

I would laugh were this not so depressingly vile and ignorant. Innocent ignorance can be beautiful, but not this uneducated, stubborn, disgusting, petulant, arrogant, foul, proud, foolish, vehement, despicable, stupid, spewing fountain of cluelessness. I have almost never seen such rubbish, ever, anywhere. Some people do not deserve first amendment rights.


sorry for the rant. I’m not a mean person, really. This is just beyond my comprehension.
This website is composed of evil java applets that, after fully “loading” (15 minutes or so later – on broadband) fail to do anything.

The spelling errors alone should indicate that something is awry.

Grammar: unspeakable.

I would laugh were this not so depressingly vile and ignorant. Innocent ignorance can be beautiful, but not this uneducated, stubborn, disgusting, petulant, arrogant, foul, proud, foolish, vehement, despicable, stupid, spewing fountain of cluelessness. I have almost never seen such rubbish, ever, anywhere. Some people do not deserve first amendment rights.


sorry for the rant. I’m not a mean person, really. This is just beyond my comprehension.
The worst part is it’s done in the name of Jesus.
The spelling errors alone should indicate that something is awry.
I was thinking the same thing when I entered that web site.

I do not own a “going to hell”, so the site was not addressing me.
That site was just spooky. I wonder if it isn’t a joke site?

Anyways another person here made a good point. Also, if we are fogiven of all sins why bother having the “Ten Commandments” why follow any of those if we are forgiven of all sins and need do nothing more?
here’s a thought - who said anything about people not getting into heaven due to ‘misinterpreting scripture’?

that’s not even listed as a SIN in the Bible, much less one that sends you to hell.

it’s interesting what happens when you stop answering the questions some protestant groups ask, and think about the presuppositions that LEAD to those questions…

God bless,
‘but not this uneducated, stubborn, disgusting, petulant, arrogant, foul, proud, foolish, vehement, despicable, stupid, spewing fountain of cluelessness.’

you might use the word ‘philistine’ to sum up that list. 😉

great word, philistine…

don’t get me wrong, i loved the list - very entertaining.

but philistine is so succinct.
jeffreedy789 said:
‘but not this uneducated, stubborn, disgusting, petulant, arrogant, foul, proud, foolish, vehement, despicable, stupid, spewing fountain of cluelessness.’

you might use the word ‘philistine’ to sum up that list. 😉

great word, philistine…

don’t get me wrong, i loved the list - very entertaining.

but philistine is so succinct.

Ah, right you are. Thank you for the excellent word. 😃
That website is hilarious, even though it is grosely wrong, I can’t stop laughing about the music and the whole scheme on the main page.
That music is hilarious. My favorite “hellbound of the month” is John Travolta. :dancing:
That site was just spooky. I wonder if it isn’t a joke site?

Anyways another person here made a good point. Also, if we are fogiven of all sins why bother having the “Ten Commandments” why follow any of those if we are forgiven of all sins and need do nothing more?
It seems like it has to be a joke by the main page. Some of the music is hilarious.
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